Chapter 51

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Perrie'a POV

Only a few weeks to go, i can't wait for baby Thirlwall to come along. Me and Jade have finally got the baby's room sorted out and decorated. Luckily we didn't need to pay a artist to come in and paint the pictures on the wall because Jade is an awesome artist, she needs to teach me someday but i'll probably not learn a thing.

Me, Katherine, Leigh and my mom were out shopping because lately all i've been doing is sitting in the house doing nothing. So they decided to take me out and give me something to do, kinda like a girly day. We went in to nearly every shop and all three of them couldn't pass a baby shop without making me go and look in it. I bought some little cute clothes, they were adorable.

Kat picked out two little cheer leading outfits one female and one male just like the one we used to wear when we were in high school, Norma and my mom would love seeing their little grandchild in a cheer leading outfit. I would have bought it in a heart beat but i didn't know if the baby was a boy or girl.

"Perrie as soon as i find out what gender that baby is, i'm buying the baby that straight away", Kat said making me laugh at the excitement on her face.

"Okay Kat whatever makes you happy", i say making her put the outfits down and back on the shelf. We looked around another bit before heading to go and get something to eat. You know how when your pregnant you get these really bad cravings yeah well mine was anything like McDonalds, KFC, etc. The other night my cravings were so bad i made Jade go and get me a burger and chips at 9pm before it closed.

We head into McDonalds and sit one of the booths, Me and Kat stay behind as my mom and Leigh go and get our food. Lately Kat and Lauren have been going very well . They are an amazing couple, just like Leigh and Jesy.

"So what's going on with you and Lauren, huh?", i ask making her blush.

"Not much i mean she's met my family loads of times and they love her and i'm going to meet her's pretty soon, there flying over from Miami next week for her brother Chris' birthday. But i have met her close family loads so yeah were going really well", she says smiling throughout it all. I guess that's what i look like when i talk about Jade.

"What about you and Jade then?", she says making me smile, seriously i haven't even started talking about her and i'm already smiling.

"Were really good, she's been helping out a lot and making sure i'm okay all the time. She's just been amazing as usual, although she has been a bit stressed with all of this build up and work is getting at her too but she's so excited about the baby coming soon", i say still smiling.

"That's great, i wish i had someone like that", she said making us both laugh.

"You do her name's Lauren and you've been dating for nearly 3 years, maybe wedding bells soon", i say nudging her making her blush.

"No i don't think so just yet, Leigh and Jesy aren't even at that point yet", She says as Leigh and my mom walk over with our food.

"Leigh and Jesy aren't even at what point", Leigh asked as she set down the food on the table and took a seat beside me.

"The point were you get engaged", i say making Leigh blush so hard. Me and Kat laugh at how red her face is before getting stuck into our food. After we ate all our food my stomach started to feel really sore, maybe it's just the fact that i just ate. We left McDonalds and went to some other shops and looked around.

My stomach was getting really sore now, like to the point were i felt like i was going to throw up. I didn't even eat that much. I find a seat in one of the shops and sit down, i try to slow down my breathing a bit. After 5 minutes of doing that nothing changed i still felt really bad.

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