Chapter 41

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Jade's POV

Today is the day i think most people were looking forward to. Prom. And now today it's finally came, the school had been buzzing about it for weeks before hand. Even some of the guys were super excited for it. All the girls just couldn't contain their excitement most of the time. Some girls fighting over who was going to prom with who. But luckily for me, Lauren and Jesy we had already asked our dates which said yes, thank you god.

None of us knew what our girlfriends would be wearing. Well Lauren and Kat aren't dating, yet. But i mean come on you would have to be blind not to see that those two were dating. Or are very close to dating. But anyway we didn't know what kind of dress the were going to wear not even the colour of the dress.

Right now when everybody is probably planning out everything they have to do before prom tonight. What are us three doing? Playing basketball of course, duh. We had only been playing a while anyway.

"Girl's don't you think you should all start to get ready or something?", my mom asked us as we walked into the kitchen. Even my own mom was more excited and prepared for prom than me. Should i be worrying?

"Yes mom we on it, calm down. We will be ready on time. Were going to get ready right now", i said taking a apple as i went. We walked up stairs and into my room. We set our dresses out on the bed and decided to put our make up on just before.

Lauren's dress was a short red no strap dress, it looked really nice. And i heard off Perrie that her and Katherine are going to be matching, if that doesn't suggest there a couple i don't know what will seriously.

But anyway now onto Jesy's dress, just like Lauren's it had no straps but was ankle length and like a dark red. Very classy Jessica. But to be honest that girl could pull off any dres any day. Some goes for Miss. Jauregui.

Then there's little old me. I picked a dress that wouldn't catch very many people's eyes. I hate attention. But anyway, my dress was just a very simple short black dress with no straps. I think i look okay, maybe.

None of us were big fans of wearing dresses, only when we had to. That's what you get when your basically brought up in t-shirts and shorts for most of your life. True tom-boy. We had finally finished our make up after about an hour. We don't usually take this long but this is what you get when there's one mirror and three girls trying to use it and share the make up.

As me and Lauren were finishing off our make up, we see Jesy sitting on my bed looking very worried. Me and Lauren look at each other thinking the same thing.

"Jesy, what's wrong?", i ask her, she looks up at both me and Laur with the same worried look on her face.

"Nothing it's just...what if Leigh doesn't like the dress or wants to go with someone else. Maybe she'll think i didn't put any thought into tonight", Jesy spat out.

"Jes you have absolutely nothing to worry about, Leigh will love you dress and you could bering her to a dump for god's sake and she wouldn't care. So stop worrying and besides me and Jade are always going to be here for you. We've known each other since about 10 years old. Now get your ass up and let's go and get our groove on and of course see our beautiful dates, shall we?", Laurens say making both smile.

We quickly put on our dresses and made sure we had everything ready to go. Cell phone, check. Money, check. Corsage for Perrie,check. Yes i bought Perrie a corsage sue me. I thought it would be a nice thing to do for my girlfriend, you know so i would be the only one that bought their girlfriend a corsage out of all of us, until these two noticed what i was doing nd bought both Kat and Leigh a corsage.

We walk down stairs and of course my mom had her camera already ready. Is it just my mother that gets on like this or? We all got a few photos taken before we all got into my car and started to drive towards Perrie's house. My parents wanted to get some photographs of us all together, seriously there acting like were all going to a wedding.

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