Chapter 10

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*Tayler's POV*
I thought I'd take her to my special place. I've never taken anyone there. She means a lot to me even though she doesn't know it. My father used to bring me here all the time until he left us. I come here to clear my mind or when I'm feeling down.
*Skip a little*
We both just stood there in silence but the good silence. I just couldn't stop thinking an out her, she's beautiful and perfect in every single way. I just stood there staring at her and admiring her next minute you know I'm kissing her.

*Back to normal POV*

" sorry it..its just I've been wanting to do that for so long now" he said while scratching the back of his neck. Those word that just came out his mouth just made my heart stop. The first thing i did was hug him. It was kinda awkward, we got into the the car and headed back to his house. We finally arrived to his house and the first thing i did was change into a pair of Taylers oversized hoodie and shorts. We decided to watch Netflix since the both of us weren't tired. i managed to convince Tayler to watch Pitch Perfect since he's never seen it and its one of the best movies ever. We laughed and shoved a load of junk in our mouth. The movie finished we both got up and headed to the kitchen to eat. "hey theres this party later wanna come?" "yeah sure. But i don't have any party outfits with me" i replied. "if you want we could go get one" "yh sure" i answered.  We went to the mall, straight to Forever 21. I went to the dress section and saw a black dress, it was cute, there was only one left hoping it would be my size. It was my size "thank god" i thought to myself i went to the heel section and picked black heels in my size we went to pay and headed back to Tayler's house. "when are we going to the party?" i asked "in 3hours" "okay" i answered and smiled. I headed up to Tayler's room and into the bathroom. I started to do my makeup and hair. With my hair i tied half up and the other half down. I had 20 minutes to get dressed. I put the dress on and it was mid way to my thighs, i quickly slipped on the black heels. I walk down and see Tayler in the kitchen he had black ripped jeans, plain white v-neck t-shirt, white vans and a chain around his neck. "Hey I'm do I look?" I asked. He turned around and just started staring at me a couple of minutes he responded "you look beautiful...dang I've never seen you like this" he answered. I could feel my cheeks burning up "thanks" I said smiling. We got into the car, i got bored so put the radio on, my favourite song came on i started singing along "But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn Baby, I'm right here" "whoa i didn't know you can sing" he said surprisingly. "yh i used to..." "what do you mean used to?" he asked "i used to sing a lot with my dad but since he passed away 4years ago i just stopped" i said looking down at my hands. "I'm sorry... you shouldn't stop you voice is amazing" he said looking at me "thanks" i said smiling at him.

We finally arrived at the party, there were so many cars outside and could hear the music. We got and and started making our way to the house, i stopped at the door and stiffen up. Tayler saw me and could tell i was nervous, he grabbed my hand "its okay ill be right by your side" he whispered in my ear. We walked in and the weed and alcohol smell hit me. We made our way to the drinks, i grabbed a cup and started drinking. Tayler introduced me to some of his friends, Cody, Garret, Kelianne and Allie. They were all friendly and i had a feeling we were all going to get along well. We all got to know each other and talked. After a while we were all just stood there "you wanna dance?" Tayler whispered in my ear "sure" i smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and took us both to the dance floor. We started dancing with our bodies moving in sync, my body swaying one side to the other with his hands around my waist. 

We stopped dancing after what felt like forever. "Who wants to play spin the bottle?" Cody asked everyone "yeah" they all said in unison. "you wanna play?" Tayler asked "yh sure" We all sat in a circle. I sat besides Garret and Kelianne, it landed on couple of people before me. It was my turn "truth or dare?" Kelianne asked "uh..truth"  "do you like anyone?" "um..yeah"i said regretting it. "who??"she asked "one question only" i said laughing. "okay whatever ill get you the next time". A couple of turns later it was Taylers turn "truth or dare" Garret said smirking. "dare" he said seriously "i dare you to...kiss emma". My head quickly shot up looking straight at Tayler, he just looked at me "i guess a dares a dare". He came my way, he held his hand out helping me up, we were both directly opposite each other. He nodded his head reassuring me, smiled back at him and we both started leaning in. Our lips met moving in sync, it lasted for a minute. We pulled away making eye contact, we heard ouu's around us, i could feel cheeks burn up, i turned to looked at Tayler and he was blushing too. 

*Taylers POV*

Ugh i hate my cousin Garret he knows i like emma like mad. I'm so going to kill him after this.

*Back to normal POV*

We both sat back down again but this time he sat next to me. We were at this party for hours, we were the last ones here along with Cody, Garret, Allie and Kelianne. Me and Tayler finally decided to head back to his house, we got into the car. I put the radio on i was just listening to the music and looking out. "so who's this person that you like?" Tayler asked laughing "can't say its a mystery"i said smiling. "if you tell me yours ill tell you mine" "you first" "i..uh...WERE HERE" he said trying to change the subject. We walked inside and both went straight to his room. I walking to the bathroom to get dressed in one of Taylers hoodie and shorts while he got dressed in his room. I walked out to a shirtless Tayler. "you never answered the question"i said while taking the makeup pff of my face. "you really wanna know" he asked "yeah" "ok i...i like you, and i always have I've just never had the nerves to tell you. i thought since we got put as partners for the project we could become close and i know you might not feel the same way as i do but i thought you should know" he said looking at me. At this moment he was inches apart from me, looking right at my soul. He slowly leaned in, our lips met moving in sync. This kiss was different to the others is was long and passionate, i still had the same butterfly feeling. 

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