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"Aaron and I...are dating."

Those words still haunt me to this day. They ring in my head whenever I look at her. It's been 2 years since that why am I still thinking about her? Well, you don't really get over a 17 year long crush in just 2 years.

17 years? Yeah, I know. It's pathetic. We met when I was only 5 and I fell for her instantly. Sure, it was puppy love at first...and then we stopped talking during elementary and middle school...but my feelings for her resurfaced when we met up again in high school. Though my feelings weren't the only ones...

Laurance Zvahl, my best friend, also had a thing for her. I'm pretty sure he still does, but I haven't seen him in a while and that's not really something you'd usually bring up in conversation.

"Hey, Laurance. Long time; no see. You remember our huge crushes on Aphmau? Yeah. I was just wondering if you were still in love with her."

Irene, that would be an awkward talk. Especially since we haven't talked about...that since the night of that dreadful day.


Everyone was crowding them, congratulating them and having an overall good time. Kawaii~Chan had been screaming for the past 3 minutes after they made their announcement and was finally starting to calm down. I couldn't see Aph or Aaron and honestly, I didn't want to. I didn't think I'd be able to keep it together if I looked her in the eyes. I'd have broken down.

Laurance nudged me with his elbow and gestured to the door. I nodded and we easily snuck past. No one was even paying attention to us anyway. Who cares about them anyway? They've just been in love with her for over a century. No big deal. They'll get over it.

News flash. One does not simply "get over" a girl. That's just not possible; though I really wish it was.

"I don't get it," Laurance said the minute we entered the room. I sighed and laid down on my bed. I wanted to disappear. To just wake up from that nightmare and find that Aphmau was still single and I still had a chance. I even pinched myself to make sure that it wasn't just a dream.

"I mean, she hated him in high school. You remember that, right?"

"How could I forget?" I said, sitting up to look at him. "The entire school knew of their rivalry."

"Exactly! Which is why I'm asking, 'why him?' Uh, don't tell her I said that?"

I chuckled half halfheartedly and made the motion like I was zipping my lips. Laurance came over and fell onto the bed next to me. His arms were crossed over his eyes; his breathing steady. I felt like he was trying to calm himself down so he didn't storm back into that room to give Aaron a piece of his mind.

"Y'know, if you need a pillow to scream into..." I motioned to all the pillows around the room, even though I wasn't sure he was looking. He laughed through his nose and shook his head, his arms still covering half of his face. He sighed.

"I should get meditation classes from Katelyn," he said.

"You and me both," I agreed. He brought his arms down and looked up at me. He studied me carefully with his sky blue eyes and lifted himself up on his elbows.

"You don't seem to be that angry," he commented. "If anything, you look completely calm."

"I internalize it," I said, staring out the window at the other side of the room. It was a bright day; completely opposite of the day Laurance and I were having. I imagined that Aph, Aaron, and the others would probably be outside or back at the convention, enjoying the day. I wondered if anyone had noticed that we were gone yet.

"It's a flaw."

"I see." Laurance's eyes drifted over to the window as well. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing I was.

It was quiet for some time. Neither of us said a word. There was nothing to say; we had already said it all. And anything we might have wanted to say would not have been exactly kind.

There were only a few minutes of silence before Laurance spoke. I will never forget those words...

"You know what we should do?" He sat up fully and faced me. I turned away from the window and over at him.

"I've been thinking about leaving Mystreet."

My eyes widened. He sounded completely insane to me back then.

"Not forever," he quickly added, probably noticing my shocked look, "I just...need to get away for a while. Away from everything; the drama, the crazy events...Aphmau."

"For how long?"

"Dunno. Weeks? Months? Years? It just depends, I guess."

"So, why are you telling me this?" I asked him. He had on a look that I'd never seen him wear before. It was serious. Very serious.

"I want you to come with me."


I haven't seen or heard from him since that day. We went to bed early that night and when I woke, he was gone. Everyone was worried about him, but I couldn't tell them where he'd went. Because the truth was, I didn't know myself. I couldn't even tell them why he'd left. He made me promise.

Every once in awhile, I'll receive a text to show me he's still alive but that's about all I hear from him.

No one really worries about him anymore; they've all moved on with their lives. I've tried, but I can still hear his words from that day. I can't help but wonder what he's doing, where he is, why he hasn't texted us.

I can't do anything about it. I'll just sit here and wait for him. Wait for him to contact me, to come back home, to say something about where he is...

...because the truth is: I can't do anything without him.

Hey! Emily here with the intro of Running! Hope you liked it! Just a warning, I wrote the first couple of chapters with the mindset that this was going to be a Garmau fic so it might sound a bit weird at first. I went back and tried to fix them but some things might not sound as Garrance as they should be. Trust me, though, it will get better.

In a couple of days I will be going to camp for 2 weeks, but I'll probably sneak my phone in with me so I can update. I'll try to update at least once a week but no promises. If you know me, you'll know that updates can range from every day to a 6-month-long hiatus. I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen, though.

Hope you enjoy!

Keep Shipping!

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