Chapter Twenty Eight

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Laurance's POV

The gentle knock at the door snaps me out of my broken, worthless mood as I frantically attempt to wipe away remaining tears.

"Laurance?" Garroth asks from behind the door. "You doing okay?"

I take a shaky breath before responding.

"Y-Y-Yeah. I-I'm good. B-Be out in a s-sec..."

He's not falling for that, is he?

There's a soft sigh from the other side of the door before Garroth says, "I'm coming in," and opens it.

I can only imagine the thoughts going through his mind as he sees his friend, broken and sobbing on the floor. Irene, he must think I'm so weak and worthless.

"Oh, Laurance..." He immediately drops to his knees and wraps me up in a warm hug, holding me close. I feel too weak to hug back, so I lean into him, tears dampening his shirt.

"It's okay..." he whispers, running his hand continuously through my hair while the other rubs circles against my back. "It's okay, Laurance. I'm right here for you."

"I-I'm so u-useless..." I cry, clenching my eyes tight. Garroth tightens his hold of me.

"No, you're not. No one has ever thought that about you. I haven't thought that about you."

"Y-You should. There...there's so much wrong with m-me. I-I can't do anything right a-a-and I don't have a-any redeeming features a-anywhere. I-I'm a f-f-failure, Garroth."

"You're not a failure." He pulls back slightly to look me in the eyes. "And you're wrong about not having redeeming features. Laurance, you are the sweetest, funniest, selfless, and most fun person I have ever met in my life. You go out of your way to make sure the people around you are taken care of before you think of yourself and, my Irene, dude, you just saved a small dog's life. If that's useless, then my whole life's been a lie."

I should be completely red-faced by now, but I'm not. He's just saying all of this because he's nice, caring, and freaking perfect! I know the truth and he can't change my-

"I mean-" He glances away with a red blush on his cheeks, "w-who would say that about someone as h-hot as you...?"

Wait, what? Garroth thinks I'm...what?

And he's blushing?! Because of me?! What the heck is going on here?!

My cheeks heat up tremendously once he says that and the urge to kiss him has never been so strong. Irene, I just want to grab him and kiss him senseless. I want to see that blush forever.

I love you! Say it, Laurance! I love you, Garroth! I love you! I love you! I love you!

But I can't say it, no matter how much my brain is screaming it. I want to tell him, I want to so bad, but the fear of rejection is stronger than any other feelings I have. I just can't lose him.

"Laur?" He rests a hand against my cheek and wipes away more tears. He looks concerned because I've started to cry again, but this is for a whole other reason.

I fling my arms around his neck and hold him tight, burying my face in his neck.

"Thank you!" I sob as his arms wrap back around me. "'re e-everything to me...a-and I...I...I..."


"Shh... You don't have to say anything, Laurance. It's okay. I'm here, and I'm never leaving you."

I sniffle: "P-Promise?"

"I promise." He pulls back again and smiles at me. "Now, come on. We've got a dog son waiting for us."

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