Twenty One

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Its been about a month and a half since ive seen the boys. There was only two weeks until school starts. Me and Niall have been video chatting everyday. Ive also chatted to the rest of the boys a lot too. I havent talked to Morgan since I got back. I have talked to Julia but its getting pretty hard. Harry asked her out again and they are officially dating. No one knows, like not public but they are dating. He is all she talks about. How wonderful and sweet he is. So lately I have been talking to a girl from my city on twitter. Her name is Jenna. Sure, my twitter is getting a ton of hate still! Theres pictures of me and harry kissing and then me and naill holding hands. Julia still doesnt know about that kiss. She doesnt really go on twitter as much.

There was three days before school starts and I need a new outfit. I called Julia but she was going to see her grandparents out of town. She wont be back until tomorrow. So this time I got on twitter and DM'ed Jenna and asked her if she was busy. Luckily she wasnt. We were meeting for the first time at the mall. She needed a new outift for school too so it all worked out.

It was 12:30 and I had just got dropped off by my mom. I walked in and sat at a table in the foodcourt. Then a very pretty girl walks up to me and says "You must be Sydney. Im Jenna" I smiled. "Yeah that would be me. You ready to get your shop on?" We both laughed and linked arms and started our shopping spree.

We walked out of Areopostle' with a bag each. I bought two pairs of shorts and a pink top. It was really pretty. Jenna bought a blue sundress and a new pair of flip flops. "Hey, throughout this whole time I've talked to you, i dont know what school your going to next year?" I asked her. "Oh, well I am going to be going to RTL" I yelped."Me too!" We both smiled. "Hey, theres going to be a party tomorrow night, an end of summer party, you wanna come with me?" I asked her. It would be nice to be going with someone I knew. "That would be amazing! Thanks! Well we are going to need something nice to wear right?" We laughed and went into Garage.

After shopping we went to get some ice cream from the DQ in the mall and sat down. We talked about the party and then we went home.

When I got home, I just got in my room when I heard a skype call coming in. I pressed answer and there were my boys , All of them. "Sydney!" They all said. "Hey guys I miss you so much!" "We have a suprise for you" I was so excited. "What is it?" "You will have to wait and see." "I hate you guys." I said pouting. "So what is going on there?" I asked. "Well, nothing much. We have a meet and greet in like half and hour. So we gotta go. We just needed to see your face" I smiled. "I needed to see your face. I miss you Sydney" "I miss you too Niall! I love you. Text me after." The boys awe'd and I giggled. And with that they were gone. It was 8:30 and I was getting tired already. I needed to get into the habit of going to bed early again.

It was about 11:30 when I got a call on my cell phone. I looked at the Caller ID and it was Liam. "What is it Liam?" "Sydney, I need your help." There was something wrong. I could hear it in his voice. "Liam what is it ! Are you okay!" I was talking with urgency in my voice. "Its not me, it's Niall" "What happened! Is he okay!" "well, he isnt talking Sydney. Just sitting on the couch and staring at his feet Sydney. And you know how he loves to talk." "Wait, what happened?" "You know how he gets kind of nervous and scared around fans sometimes. Like big crowd?" I nodded. "Things kind of got out of hand. A fan was passing him and she grabbed him and pulled him in the big crowd of fans and he got really torn up Sydney. He barly had clothing left on. He hasnt really spoken." "Let me talk to him!" I heard liam hand him the phone. "Hey nialler. Are you okay?" "Yeah Sydney, im okay," "If I was there I would comfort you but im sorry I cant be." He went quiet. Then I heard Liams voice on the phone again. "Okay, Liam I have a plan." "Okay lay it on me." "Okay, well I know how to cheer him up. Bring him to his room. Pop in Grease and cuddle him until he falls asleep. Got that?" "Yup! Anything for Niall" I laughed. "Wait, theres one more thing you need to do." "Sure, what is it?" "You must sing Sandys parts." "what!" he laughed. "You heard me. Now go cheer up our baby." "Okay, goodnight sydney. Thanks, love you" "Love you too. have a goodnight!" I hung up and went to bed.

I woke up at 11:34 and I got up right away. I texted julia.


U home yet? You busy tonight? Party with me and Jenna?

Then I texted Jenna


-Hey girl. ill meet you at 6:30? Cant wait!

I was on twitter all day. Tons of hate today but I couldn't care less. They didnt even know me. Im suprised that no one recognized me from school or anything yet.

The time flew and I was already picking up Jenna and Julia. We walked into the house. The music was blaring and there were lights flashing. My pulse was racing and I knew that this was going to be a good night.

I was getting a drink and when I turned around I crashed into someone and my dink spilt all over them. "Oh my, I am so sorry!" "Haha, its okay" He laughed. He was kinda cute. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you? Im so sorry!" "Well, you could tell me your name?" I giggled. "Im Sydney, you are?" "Im Ryan" "Nice to meet you, you wanna talk over there?" I pointed to a table. "Sure" We walked over and took a seat beside each other somewhere in our conversation he asked me for my number and we exchanged numbers. I didnt plan on liking him, I never really had any guy friends before I met the boys and I had always wished I could have a guy friend that could be there for me whenever I needed it. Finally he asked me to dance and then Wild Ones - Flo Rida came on we danced. It was really fun. Than Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran came on and every started slow dancing. He looked at the gound and then held out his hand. I laughed and took it. I rested my hands on his shoulder and he had his hands on my back. Just above the waist. The song seemed to last forever but it was a good thing. I really enjoyed his company. Then I heard a scream. "What was that?" "I have no idea" He asnwered and we kept on dancing. "Its One Direction!" I turned my head and saw Niall standing there. He looked shocked. "Sydn-" He just cut off and walked out the door. I let go of Ryans neck and started to run after Niall. "Wait. Where are you going?" "Im sorry, ill text you later and maybe we will have classes together. Bye" I waved and ran out the door.

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