Chapter 3

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Yay, update time! Thank you for all the votes and comments, it makes it easier to keep writing with such supportive readers :) 

For this chapter there is the shower scene, so if you can't read it or don't wish too, skip to the *** right after she speaks with her foster parents  thanks again and happy reading!

"Sang! Wake up Sang! Wake up, wake up wake u-aaaaah!" The little monster jumping on my bed squeals before collapsing into fits of laughter after I tackle him and tickle his sides. His whole body shakes with peals of precious little boy laughter and my own shoulders start to bounce as I giggle right along with him.

I see the Jamie and Cameron standing in the doorway as they watch their youngest brother try to wiggle free of my tickle attack and I motion them in. They come and sit on the edge of my bed with us as Ollie taking great gasping breaths that are still interspersed with wild giggles, even after I'd stopped my tickle torture.

"What are you guys doing up so early? I usually have to drag your stinky butts out of bed." They all giggle at my use of the word "butt" and I barely keep myself from rolling my eyes, boys.

Cameron answers me, a bright smile as he lifts a box I hadn't noticed before for me to take. "It's your birthday, you always have to wake up to smiles on your birthday." My heart constricts in my chest at their thoughtfulness, that's a tradition I'd started for their birthdays to make their day as special as it could be in this house.

"That's exactly right, Cam. I can't believe you guys remembered." This last part I mumble to myself but I know they heard because they all frown.

"Of course we did, we love you." Jamie says this like it's the simplest thing in the world, but those words mean everything to me. That's just him though, my quiet boy whose words are used sparingly but are all the more meaningful for it.

I feel my eyes start to burn with tears so I turn my attention to the box that Cameron had handed me. They had wrapped it in newspaper, and my heart warmed even further when I saw the overabundance of scotch tape covering nearly every surface of what looks to be an old shoebox. Wrapping presents wasn't a strength of theirs just yet, but the fact that they had tried so hard made it perfect.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything," I say, my voice slightly shaky with suppressed emotion.

Ollie huffs and slaps a tiny, suspiciously sticky hand on each of my cheeks and puts his forehead to mine. "It's your birthday, we gotted you a birthday present. Will ya open it already?"

Nodding my head with a laugh, I gently remove his hands from my face and sit him in my laugh before carefully opening my gift, the first birthday present I'd ever received.

When I see what's inside I have to cover my mouth with a hand before the sob that wants to come out escapes and scares them. The beautiful little monsters got me a small chain bracelet with several different beads, each one with the first initial of their names and a heart shaped piece I assume is for me with an 'S'. It looks like something they made in class but I've never seen anything so beautiful, and a single tear escapes down my cheek, causing Cameron to freak out a little.

"Oh no! Do you hate it? I know it's not super fancy because we made it at the kids center when Ms. Lauren took us to the kid room when the money men took her to that fancy spa. We can get you something else, I-" I grab his hand and shake my head rapidly until I've composed myself enough to speak. How could they even doubt I would love something they'd made for me?

"It's perfect, I'm just so happy that I teared up a little, happy tears I promise. I love it and I'll never take it off," I promise him and see all of their shoulders slump in relief and they smile really big.

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