Chapter 9

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Update time! I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out so I hope you like it. Happy reading!! And because everyone needs a little Silas in their life ;)


It's been two weeks since my connected had crashed into my life, and they've become a near constant presence in my life. What once was a ordinary routine of work, home and the boys is turning into an extraordinary life of family and love I'd never dreamed I could have.

"What has you thinking so hard over ther, Aggele Mou?" I turn to see Silas sitting across from me on the couch, his dreamy brown eyes are full of curiosity as they run over my face.

The rest of the guys are either out on missions for their Solex Academy branch here in the city or with the boys at some indoor trampoline park they'd wanted to try out. I'd been too tired to go with them, a bad nightmare had come for me last night, Lauren had been taunting me, telling me all about how quickly these guys would leave, how they'd all eventually grow tired of me. For the first time in a while, that type of emotional torture had rolled right off of me, I know in my soul they'll never leave. It doesn't hurt that I can feel when Luke lies, and he'd told me point blank that I was stuck with them so it had to be true.

I realize I'd not answered his question, lost to my thoughts again, so I smile apologetically over at him.

"Sorry, Superman, got lost in my head again. I was just thinking about how much my life has changed since you guys came along." I use the nickname Ollie had started, finding it oddly fitting for the strapping Greek hero, after all, he and his brothers had saved me more than they'll ever know.

His eyes warm at my words, and he motions for me to come close, so I do. "I hope it was a good change, Aggele, I know you and your boys are the best thing to ever happen to our group of misfits." My cheeks heat when he pulls me sideways onto his lap, my hand inadvertently lands over his marking, warm to the touch even through the material of his shirt. He shifts a little and my attention is pulled back to his face as he lifts my chin.

"The best kind of change, I promise, you guys make everything better." I whisper, feeling shy and he tightens his arms around me, pulling me even further into his massive body.

"I'm glad to hear that, Aggele Mou," he says, quieting for a moment before speaking again. "Have you thought any more about moving to the North Shore Island with us?" I tense slightly at his question without meaning to.

The first night they were here they'd asked me to come home with them, to pack up the boys and myself and settle with them in the Solex community. I couldn't answer them then, and I still can't answer them now, and I'm not entirely sure I can explain my heitation. It's just that I've finally won my independence from Sorenson House and all the evils that came with it, and I'm not chomping at the bit to give that up just yet.

"I've thought about it." I hedge, not wanting to hurt or disappoint him with my non-answer.

He sees right through me though, and rests his forehead against my own, now wrapped completely around me like a muscle bubble. "Tell me what makes you so uneasy about moving, Aggele, maybe I can help." That accent with that face is an unfair combination, so I feel no shame that I totally give in to him.

I sigh. "I don't know, it's just...all my life I've been under someone else's roof, under someone else's rules and whims, and now I only have to answer to myself. I don't think I'm ready to lose that independence, and I'm afraid that might happen if I Leave with you guys." He's silent for a moment, and I worry I've upset him when his shoulders start shaking, but a quick glance show that he's laughing, at me.

A quick flush of anger reddens my cheeks and I try to escape his hold, I can't believe he would laugh at me when I'm telling him my deepest insecurities! I huff and collapse back into his chest when my escape attempt proves futile, the gorgeous jerk.

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