Chapter 13

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Alright, this one's for all the Kota lovers. I was actually going to move along the plot in this chapter but his adorableness took over the computer, so more relationship time, and of course some Ollie silliness. Thank you for the votes and comments, you guys make my day :) Happy reading!!!


It's too quiet.

A quick glance at the silent clock on the bedside table of my room, I see that it's 2:38, too late for anyone to still be up, and too early to get up for the day.

Sighing to myself, I try to untangle myself from the silky sheets, huffing in frustration when I fail, instead turning to my powers and after a quick burst of wind the sheets fly off of me. I run a hand through my hair, standing and making my way out the door, checking quickly for signs of life and walking down the hallway to the boys' room when I find it empty.

Habit has me cracking each of their dors, checking to see that they're still breathing, that they're still there and safe even though I know the Sorensons will never come near them, not that they would dare to before, but no one said that fear was logical. Once I see them sound asleep, smiling dreamily in their brand spanking new rooms, I stomp myself to the kitchen, not feeling like dealing with the stairs on little to no sleep.

Air rushes past me before I step onto the hardwood kitchen floor and go in search of anything resembling a fridge. As if the house felt my desire, the shiny metal portion of the wall pops open and a blast of cool air filters across my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake as I stare in wonder at the ridiculous amount of food within. I know there are nine, well 12 now, guys that live here, but holy groceries, Batman!

I'm filling a crystal glass with water when a voice from behind me has me attempting to jump out of my skin.


I spin around with a hand over my heart to see a sleepy Kota leaning against the kitchen counter, looking at me with his brows furrowed in confusion and I notice he's not wearing his glasses. Actually now that I think about it, neither he or Owen had worn them since we'd stepped through the ring to Solexion.

"Eyes," I blurt out stupidly, my thoughts on his glasses and how gorgeous his emerald eyes are now that I can see them at the forefront of my mind.

"Eyes? What?" The poor thing looks confused now, I can practically see the gears in his head turning as he tries to find meaning in what I've said.

Clearing my throat, I feel the telltale heat of my blush fill my face as I explain my outburst. "Sorry, you startled me, then I noticed you're not wearing your glasses, that you haven't actually since we got here, and i can finally see your eyes. Not that there's anything wrong with that, you have amazingly beautiful eyes, it was just the first thing I noticed after you...startled me so, yeah....eyes," mortified at my rambling, I slap my hands over my mouth and face, like I can physically keep any more words from escaping.

It's silent for a second before his quiet chuckle reaches my ears and I groan, my face redder than it's ever been. I have got to work on my brain-to-mouth filter.

Gentle hands encase my own, pulling them away from my face and I'm met with the very eyes that made me lose all rational thought sparkling with humor and feeling that makes my breath catch in my chest.

"Sweetheart, I'm flattered to hear you think my eyes are 'amazingly beautiful.' About the glasses though, we only wear them in the human world because Gabe thinks they make us look less intimidating to normal people, his words," his soft smile sets me at ease, although I'm still embarrassed with myself.

"Oh," I answer intelligently, but he just laughs slightly before placing a kiss on my forehead and moving to open a hidden pantry I'd overlooked.

"How about I make us some hot chocolate and you can tell me what has you up and about at this time of night?" His question is hidden under a layer of teasing and my heart warms at the sweet gesture.

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