Chapter 8

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Sorry this took longer than usual to get out but yay! Update!

Happy ready! :)


I catch her just before her head hits the floor, cradling her precious body close to my own before looking to Doc.

"What happened? Why the fuck did she pass out?" I thunder, immediately regretting it when I see everyone wince and Sean sends a meaningful glance Owen's way before he turns back to me. Shit, the guy looks like someone just ran over his mother's violin, just staring regretfully at our beautiful center who now lies unconscious in my arms.

"Looks to me like a touch of information overload, Nate. I'm actually impressed she held on this long." This long? He expected this to happen? North, as per usual takes issue with her being in any sort of danger.

"What the fuck do you mean this long? You expected her to faint and still allowed for us to dump all of this on her at once? What if she'd gotten fucking hurt?" The veins in his neck are pulsing wildly, and his face is an alarming shade of red, the metal coffee table twisting in response to his anger.

Sean just sighs and motions for him to simmer down, which he does when he sees the warped table. "North, it was possible she would react strongly to learning she isn't human and has nine soulmates, not to mention the whole humans hate us and want to kill us bit. Nothing was going to happen to her when all nine of us were near and able to catch her when she fell." The raging bull runs out of steam then, and I turn to our fearless leader, who has yet to take his eyes from Sang. I call his name and he nods, letting me know I have his attention but that his eyes will not be moving.

I sigh. "Owen, this isn't your fault, like Sean said this would have happened eventually, you were just unlucky enough to be the one talking when it did. Don't beat yourself up."

It's obvious by the stubborn set of his jaw that he's not ready to believe me, not until she opens her eyes again. Shaking my head I smirk at him, unflappable Blackbourne is officially putty in the hands of this peanut of a person.

All of a sudden Gabe starts cackling like a hyena and I see North glare at him. "What, exactly, is so funny about this, fuckhead?" The words are forced out from between clenched teeth and Gabe only laughs harder.

"She... she fucking got through damn near all that information cool as a cucumber. Human hunters, no big deal. Secret society of people with magic powers, please. But the second you tell her we're her soulmates, she faints...fucking priceless." There are tears tracking down his face now, he's laughing so hard and as soon as we comprehend his words, we are too.

In our laughter, no one had noticed Sang's whimper when North had gotten loud, nor had they seen her eyes flutter open, her musical voice catching us all by surprise. "What's so funny? How did I get on the floor?" She asks, brows furrowed as she tries to remember how she got there.

"Well Pookie, darling, our dashing good looks we're just too much to handle and you fell for us quite literally. Not to worry though, valiant sir Nathan there caught you." Sean, the idiot, jokes and her whole face flushes before she seems to remember what really caused her to faint.

"So you guys are really real, wow." After saying that she stills, seemingly realizing I still have her in my arms and she jumps up to stand, receiving chuckles from everyone including myself.

"Miss Sang, I must apologize if that was too much information, it was...not my intention to overwhelm you." Owen says, very uncharacteristic of him to stumble over his words as he just did, and I watch as Sang visibly softens towards him.

Stepping over to him she raises a hand to cradle the side of his face, directing his attention to her. "Oh Owen, in no way was that your fault, sometimes stuff happens that you have no control over. I'm glad really, now I finally have the answers I've spent my whole life searching for, you gave me that so please don't apologize."

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