Day 4: On a Date

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((The image above belongs to Pugishka from Tumblr.))

Japan waited patiently in the dimly lit, orange-colored room as he stared blankly at the wall ahead of him. He sat up straight, his back against the wooden chair, as he kept his hands clasped together and rested on his lap. His eyes scanned the room as an orchestra group played elegant music and other couples around him talked quietly among themselves. Japan glances down at his watch and lets out a slow and steady sigh as he slowly dropped his hand back down. Japan always arrived a few minutes earlier than America, but America would always arrive at the same time their date was planned. Just as the waiter was almost done taking the other table's order, America hurriedly sat down on the chair across from him and smiled over at Japan as he threw his head back a bit with a quiet 'hey' coming out of his mouth. A small smile formed over Japan's face as he greets the American back. "Hey, you made it! Just in time, as always." Both men chuckled softly in unison. America brings his chair closer to the table and lets out a heavy sigh as he places his elbows onto the table, resting his chin on his forehands as he admired the Japanese man in front of him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, babe." Japan flustered intensely hearing America call him such cute names like that. He's still not quite used to being called like that, but every time he hears those words come out of his mouth, the butterflies in his stomach begin to flutter rapidly. He slightly ducks his head down as he lets out a small chuckle and tries to hide his blush with his hands. America reaches for Japan's hands and strokes them gently as he gazes deeply into Japan's dark brown eyes. America looks down at their hands and tilts his head a bit to the side with a small smile. "You have such nice skin. What's your secret to keeping it so soft?" Flustered by his compliment, he moves his head off to the side and chuckles a bit more.

"America, stop it! You're making me blush." America chuckles a bit to himself as he raises a hand to his face and strokes his small bangs off to the side and places them gently behind his left ear. As he opens his mouth to speak, a man clears his throat rather loudly, which caused the couple to jump and look up in his direction. They quickly straighten themselves in their chairs and wait for the waiter to start taking their order. Once the waiter finished, they watched him head back to the kitchen and proceed to continue talking with each other.

"So, what were you going to say before the waiter came?" Japan asked as he glances back at America. He gives him a bit of a confused face before raising his eyebrows and jumps a bit in his chair.

"Oh! I was gonna say that I have a little surprise for you." Japan's heart froze and his breathing slightly increased. He looks at America with sparkly, brown eyes as he leans a bit forward and places his forearms onto the table.

"Seriously? You have a surprise for me?" America nods his head 'yes' in response as he slowly moves closer to Japan's face, causing Japan to blush even more. Japan's heart began to beat faster as America's face approached closer to his and blushes intensely as their foreheads carefully crashed onto one another.

"It's back home though. You'll have to wait until after our date to get it." Japan looks deeply into his eyes before nodding his head 'yes' slowly at him. America slowly flops back to his chair as he sees the waiter coming back with their food. As they quietly ate their food, the soothing sound of orchestra music continued to play in the background as the soft chattering of other couples and their utensils gently scraping their plates filled the fancy, little restaurant.

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