Day 24: Making up Afterwards

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((The image above belongs to Pugishka from Tumblr.))

All wrapped up in a blanket and laying across the couch while listening to melancholic music. That's how Japan spent his whole night, unable to get any sleep after the little spat he had with America. He didn't mean to yell at him like that, his jealousy just got the best of him and made the Japanese man look like the bad guy. Japan was worried about America and often wondered where he could have gone too, especially so late at night. He hopes he found a place to crash for the night.

A gentle knock could be heard on the door, causing Japan to quickly jolt up and run towards it. He quickly swings it open, hoping it's America coming back, but only sees England standing in front of him. The blond man looks over at Japan a bit startled as his mouth slightly opens to speak. "Blimey Japan, you look awful! Did you sleep at all last night?" Japan shakes his head 'no' in response as he quickly wraps himself in his blanket. His fair skin never liked the cold morning air whenever it touched him, it always caused his whole skin to form small goosebumps all over his body. England awkwardly clears his throat as he speaks once more to the Japanese man. "Well then, um... Is it alright if I come in?"

"Huh? I-I mean, why?" Japan was unable to think straight and struggled a bit to make his words come out of his mouth. England keeps looking at Japan awkwardly as he speaks once more to the brunette man in front of him.

"I'm here to pick up America's things. Stupid wanker forgot to get them last night. By the way, I'm sorry about what happened between you two." Japan felt his heart sink to his stomach as he tries hard not to get all emotional. He couldn't believe America was leaving him. It was just a little fight, it wasn't that serious!

"R-Right... It's okay England, you can come in." Hesitant at first, England slowly steps in and waits for Japan to show him the way. The smaller man slowly closes the door before turning around to face the slightly taller man, sticking out an arm in front of him before quickly lowering it back down to his side. "Right this way." Japan began walking ahead of England as he walks him towards their room. Once he reaches the door, he stops beside it and points to the room. England thanks him and proceeds to pick up all of America's clothes while Japan waits for him to finish.

After a while, Japan slowly slides down the wall and gently hits the ground. He slowly throws back his head and stares blankly at the empty space, trying to keep his mind distracted as he waits for England to finish. He glances down at his hands and shifts his eyes towards the diamond ring America gave him the night he proposed to him. Tears quickly fill up Japan's brown eyes as he gently touches the ring with his fingers and twists it a bit, not wanting to take it off. Japan takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes as he tries hard not to think too much about America, only to be hit with countless memories he shares with him. He buries his face in his arms as he tries to control the tears pouring out of his eyes. Guilt and sadness were all that he could feel right now and he hated it.

Forgetting England was here, Japan quickly lifts his head and sees him looking down at him. He quickly wipes his face and gets up from his spot, softly sniffling as he takes in a deep breath. "Sorry you had to see that..." England's eyes blink once as he slightly tilts his head to the side before speaking.

"Huh? Oh, no, don't worry lad. I just finished gathering America's stuff." England looks down at his hand that held up the bag that carried America's belongings. Japan bites his lips as he tries not to shed more tears and looks down at the ground, quickly nodding his head as he takes in another deep breath through his nose.

England softly sighs as he gently places a hand on Japan's shoulder, causing him to jump a little from the sudden contact. "Hang in there, mate. I know it's hard right now, but it'll pass eventually." He gently pats Japan's shoulder as he slowly pulls his hand away, taking a few steps away before quickly turning back around. "Oh, and don't apologize for crying earlier. It's perfectly normal when your heart's broken." Japan's lips twitch as he nods his head in response. England gives him a small smile and begins to walk down the stairs.

Japan tightens the blanket around himself before running behind England and quickly hug him, leaving the door open as he quickly hugs Japan with his free arm.

"J-Japan? Are you-"

"Please tell America I'm sorry and that I still love him. I really miss him..."

England's eyebrows furrow sympathetically as he tenderly rubs Japan's back, looking off to the side as he slightly raises a brow. "Um, I don't think I need to tell him anything."

Japan's ears tingle a bit as he quickly looks up at England and follows the direction he's looking at. His eyes sparkle from all the tears he shed and his heart begins to beat fast as he sees America staring back at him, a small smile creeping over his face as he awkwardly waves his hand at him. Japan looks back at England as he takes a few steps back, quickly blinking away the tears in his eyes. England chuckles softly as he gives Japan a small smile. "It's alright, Japan. He actually wanted to come back, but he wasn't sure if you were still mad at him. If he was a real man, he would have just walked back in." England slightly widens his eyes at American as he shoots a narrow glare at him, causing the American to blush and scratch the back of his head as he chuckles nervously.

Japan leans against the door frame and gently places a hand against the wall, looking over at America before speaking. "Why didn't you, America?" America looks over at Japan with an anxious look on his face.

"I, uh... I honestly dunno... I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't have left like that."

"No, I should be the one apologizing. I was being selfish last night and...I'm sorry..."

America lets out a soft sigh as he smiles happily and stretches his arms wide open, signaling Japan to get close to him. Instantly, Japan gives the blond man a tight hug and cries happy tears, feeling relieved that he forgave him. America rests his chin on Japan's head and carefully strokes his silky black hair, letting every strand split through his fingers as they run through every last strand. Feeling like the unwanted third wheel, England quietly leaves the bag beside the door and silently signals America that he's going back home. America nods his head at England, letting him know he saw him, and mouthed a quick "thank you" before he left.

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