Chapter 9: Gone

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Eunha Pov:

 My heart sank... it shattered. I felt something that I have never felt before.

"NOOO!!!! HE CAN'T BE GONE!!! JUNGKOOK!!!" I yelled as I ran to where he was. I barged into the room and saw the bed he was on. But instead of seeing him in his hospital clothes. He was covered by a white sheet. I ran to him.


"No, please!!! You can't be gone from my life!!! YOU COULDN'T HAVE BROKEN YOUR PROMISE!!! REMEMBER YOU SAID THAT YOU WOULD STAY WITH ME AND THAT WE WOULD SPEND EVERY SINGLE MOMENT TOGETHER!!! But please... I need you oppa!!" I yelled. I then started to sob onto his chest. 

*voice squeaking* "I never got to tell you how much I loved you... how much of a great boyfriend you were... I never even got the chance to say goodbye... but I don't want to say goodbye." I sobbed. I then felt his hand move to my hand. I looked up and I moved the sheet from his face. 



"I want you to know that I loved you so much..."

"And I love you too..." I told him. He smiled. But it soon disappeared. 

"Eunha. Know that no matter what I love you. I still love you. I will always love you. But it's time to say goodbye."

"But I don't want to say goodbye," I said.

"Eunha please..." he said. I cried. I couldn't say it... but I had to...

"Go-*cries* Goodbye oppa... I loved you so much!!" I said and I gave him one last kiss. I then heard his breath stop. I cried and I covered him back up with the blanket. I then heard the rest of them come in and they all hugged me.

"He's... he's really gone," I said. 

"You still have us and you'll never lose us," SinB said. I started to cry again.

~~~ Time skip to when they go home ~~~

"When do you want to have the funeral??" Unnie asked me. I looked up at her. 

"Next week," I said. She nodded and started to make the invitations. It's just going to be a small funeral. But it meant a lot to me. I went upstairs to my room and sat down at the desk that SinB said. I grabbed a paper and a pen. Here we go...

Dear Jungkook,

How are you oppa?? Are you happier now that you have no pain? I hope that you are. Even though I can't feel you physically, I can still smell your scent, I can feel the way it felt when I hugged you. You may not have any more pain, but I do. I have the pain of not having you by my side at all times like how it used to be. I wish that we were still together and happy. I miss you soo much!!! You were the best person ever!!! I never thought that I would experience love but you taught me otherwise!!! You taught me what love is... yet, you took it all with you. You taught me that happiness was something amazing. But you took that with you. You left me... and I never felt so empty. I hope that you're happier now in that wonderful place. Know that I will never EVER forget you!!! I hope that you never forget me either. Goodbye... my love... I love you!!!



I folded the letter up. It was filled with tears and I noticed that I was crying. I then put it in the envelope. I then waited until the day of the funeral.

~~~ 1 week later ~~~

We're at the funeral and all I can feel is despair and pain. I just keep looking at him in his coffin. Why'd you have to leave me?? I then heard a familiar voice. I never wanted to... but this is our destiny... but I can assure you my love... we will meet again. It was his voice. I turned around and saw no one. I then looked back at Jungkook. I saw him... as an angel and he was smiling at me. When will we meet?? I thought while looking at him. Don't worry about that... just focus on yourself and your friends they love you more than you think... just remember that I will always be with you. Protecting you and being the hope that you need. And that I will never forget you ok?? I nodded and he disappeared. I kissed Jungkook's forehead. I will always love you. I then noticed that it was my turn to give a speech. I got up on the stand.

"Too many of us, Jungkook was a friend, family, companion. But to me, Jungkook was something different. He was the love of my life. He was my half. Whenever I was with him... I could feel a different kind of happiness. He was my light when I was in my dark times..." I started to tear up.

"He was my savior... I always knew that this day was going to come. I knew that he was gonna leave me. But I never thought that it would happen so fast. I didn't expect him to leave me so fast." I let my tears fall.

"But... he's in a better place now. He's with his brother now, the both of them being happy as usual. He must be really happy to see him again after a few months. But I'm not happy, I don't think that I can ever be happy again. The one I needed is gone. Gone from my life. But if he can hear me, I want him to know that I will always love him. I will always remember him and cherish the moments that we had together... But, there will time a come from where I have to move on. And those moments that we had together will just be memories. But you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you Jungkook... forever and always." I said. Everyone clapped and I just ran to SinB and started to sob. She just rubbed my back while she was tearing up too.

~~~ Time skipeu ~~~

They were lowering his casket into the earth, but before they closed it, I had put my letter in his hands and kissed his forehead. They finally had his casket lowered and we all through his flowers with him. I love you Jungkook... forever and always...

Heyyyyyyyy... how are you guys doing?? Please don't kill me. I hope that you guys are enjoying this chapter. The next chapter is the last one and then I'm gonna start my other book. But tell me what other stories you would like to have.

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