Cuddling-Chapter 15(Part 1)

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~Just letting you know,I don't really have time to write all the chapter,because homework :/.So this chapter will be divided in two parts.The other part of the chapter will be uploaded today,2 hours later.And I'm really sorry.Please,don't be mad at me :(.~

After a while,we were sleepy as fuck,so we pushed the heart-shaped button.After 1 minute or 2,the waiter and the other 7 employees come.

"So,did you enjoy it?"

"Absolutely!Thank you so much!"

"I'm pretty sure you're sleepy."

"Actually...Yeah,we are."


"Well,you can sleep in your room,or you can sleep in this room."

(Mark's POV)

As I hear what the waiter said,I start to blush.Fuck it.I take a quick glance at Jack,and he was blushing,too.

"W-We will sleep here...right,Mark?"

Oh shit.


"Ok!Let me show you the room!"

We get in a long hall,full of beautiful paintings.Jack was staring at them,with his big blue eyes.After 1 minutes,a door appears.

"We are here!"

He opens the door.We enter the room.It was a big red and black room,with a bathroom,too.There was even a TV with a PS4!What the fuck?!Ok,back to the room.Again,rose petals were all over the place.It him.

-End of the first part of the 15th chapter(wHy ThE hElL aM I sTiLl DoInG tHiS)

Thank you for reading this chapter!
Hope you liked it.I will upload the next part of the chapter today,2 hours after this one is.

Stay awesome,bros.

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