Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Makeda R.


“I’m so sorry...” Luke said, a tear rolling down his face.

“Luke.... it’s not your fault, don’t feel bad.” I said standing up and wrapping my arms around his neck, in return he wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled my head into his chest, and closed my eyes.

“We should probably get going....” My mum said, heading out of the room.

Once she was gone Luke pulled away from me, his arms still around me. He looked into my eyes and started leaning in.

My eyes fluttered closed, I could feel his breath on my lips, I wanted that last little bit of space between our lips to close so badly....

I heard the door to the room we were in open, and I assumed that it was my mum coming to get us. I was sadly mistaken.

“LUKE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!” Daniel shrieked at us.

~End of Recap~

Luke pulled away from me, and looked at Daniel in a apologetic way... again I wondered if he knew why Daniel was so mean....  

"Why would you care?!" I yelled at the surprised boy, forgetting my thoughts from a moment before.  

"Uhh..." He answered, staring at me blankly.  

I grabbed Luke and pushed past Daniel, and to my mum. As I pulled Luke past Daniel I thought I heard him mutter 'I'm sorry Skip..' but seeing nothing that Luke could apologize about, dismissed the thought to the back of my mind.

"Mum, lets go." I said, letting go of Luke's hand and stopping in front of my mum.

"Okay, you should invite Luke and Daniel for dinner, we could go out?" She said, smiling at me.

"Luke, do you want to go out to dinner with us?" I said, turning around to face him.

"Uhh.. sure." He said, looking back at Daniel.

"And how about Daniel?" My mum asked, trying to get us to be friends again no doubt.

"Mum... do I have to?" I asked, god, I sounded like a five year old.

"Yes Christina, you do." She answered sternly.

"But -" I protested.

"No, buts." She said, pointing to Daniel, who was still standing in the doorway.

"Fine." I said heading over to Daniel, "Do you want to come out to dinner with Luke, my mum, and I?" I said,  my voice flat.

"Whatever. I'll come with you." He said, for a second I thought that I saw pain in his eyes.

He stood there watching me, "C'mon Dan..." I hadn't called him Dan since the day he started being horrible. "I - I mean.. Daniel..." I quickly corrected myself.

I turned around and walked back to my mum, if I had walked any faster, I would be running. 

"Okay, we're ready to go." I said, again taking Luke by the hand and pulling him out of the hospital, with my mum and Daniel trailing behind us.

When we finally got to the car, it was locked. So we just stood there, waiting for my mum.

"I really am sorry." Luke said, when will he realize that it's not his fault?

"Luke, it's not your fault that that random fan came up to me, and did what she did." I said wrapping my arms around his waist, and resting my head on his chest.

"But it is my fault that she did that... she was my fan..." He said, trailing off.

"No, for the last time, it is not your fault." I said, pulling my head away from his chest to look at him. He gave a small nod and smile, then I returned my head to his warm chest. I could feel him kiss my head and then rested his cheek on it.

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