Bitch screwed me up

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Have you ever felt so humiliated in your life at one point? Some people would ask me. Before I use to say minor things like not leaving my horrible bitchy best friend sooner. Which for your information I dumped in sixth grade. It took me seven years to get rid of her. She would always put me down in front of people. Well now I can say that is not my most humiliating situation in my whole life anymore. I fucking screwed up so bad!!!! I had to solos in my chorus concert well I ended up messing it all up. I either sung the wrong lyrics or I just did it at the wrong time. Most of the people who use to humiliate me was there and well some recorded my mess up. Most likely to use it against me. I can't believe I messed up and this was my first year with a solo. I always got rejected when I wanted to get in the talent show or get a solo in other chorus concerts. My parents where away so they couldn't see me, but my grandpa, aunt, cousin, brother, sister where there. My grandpa and I are not at the besties at the moment. My aunt can be mean some times and makes me watch her kids even when she is suppose to be watching me. My cousin ditches me when ever she is with me. She also can be very rude. She told me that her favorite cousin was my brother in front of my face, The first thing my sister said to me after the concert was "What the heck Mia?" My brother barely talks to me but he is not to blame because over the years I became really anti-social. Nobody really notices this except my family because I hid it with a smile. But underneath all that I want to crawl into a ball and die. I have a right to be anti-social with all the c
rap I went threw this year I don't care what they think. My brother goes to a school pretty far away from where we live. I barely get to see him and when I do her locks himself in a room to play X-box. Or how he basically loves this kid Max at school more than me. I know this because I asked would you rather got to school with me or Max well lets say he chose Max.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow and face the whole school. I don't want to walk threw the halls to just be bother about what happened. Sorry that you hear some of the crap that goes on in my life.


The Anon

I don't care if you vote or not. Do what ever the hell you like just don't pity me every day of you life there are other people out there that have it worse than me. Comment if you like.

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