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I wake up to the sound of silence.

I look around to see the familiar door of Dylan's bedroom. I remember now that I spent the night at his house.

I feel something wriggle around my waist and I look to my left.

Shifting my body so it is facing his, I stare at him for a minute. His mouth slightly open and his long, black eyelashes pointing downwards. I take a moment to really appreciate the guy lying next to me.

I slowly turn my body to grab my phone off of the side counter.


The sun peaks in from the slightly open curtains and shines on his dark brown hair. His hair is covering his left eye and I move the bits to see his whole face.

Even the slightest feather touch wakes him.

He faintly groans and he pulls his arm around my waist even more.

"Dylan." I whisper.

"Mmm." He mumbles.

"It's around half eleven we might want to get up."


"Dylan." I whisper a little louder.

"Mmmmm in a minute." He manages to mumble out.

I slowly start getting impatient and run my fingers through his hair. "Please Dyl, wake up." I speak normally, hoping that the decibels of my voice might shock his brain to open his eyelids. But still no response. "Fine." I huff and get up to walk over to the bathroom.

After I brush my teeth and wash my face I walk back into his bedroom to see the lump still on the bed. I decide to wake him up myself and jump on top of him, my legs straddling his chest.

"Aha!" I say fairly loudly. "I saw your eyes twitch, now open them." He slowly but eventually opens them and I frown at him to give him a sarcastic, delightful start to the morning.

"What's the evil eyes for?" He asks and furrows his eyebrows as if he doesn't know.

"You mister! For not waking up! We've missed half of the day already!" I say as I playfully hit his chest and fold my arms.

"Sleep is worth more than half of the day." He grins. "I'm up now. Come here." Dylan takes my hands and pulls me in for a hug.

"You're warm." I quietly chuckle into his chest.

We stay there for another minute until I pull away, feeling like his lazy ass will fall asleep on me. I get up and tell him to get ready to go out for some brunch.

You would think I was a completely different person from before. Now I laugh and smile everyday instead of crying. I owe it all to Dylan.

"Slowcoach is finally out of bed and ready!" I laugh as he walks in the room.

"Haha very funny." He sarcastically says with a straight face.

"It was to me." I grin.

Dylan follows me outside and locks the front door. I open the passenger seat door and climb inside Roscoe.

Amnesia | Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now