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"So, you and Max huh?" She turns to look at me and wiggles her eyebrows.

It's Friday evening. Amy asked me if I wanted to get ready with her so I invited her to mine. I'm conflicted that Dylan asked her to the dance. But I did ask him too. A part of me wanted him to ask me regardless.

"I felt bad for him that's all." I joke and smile. "You and Dylan?" I force myself to wiggle my eyebrows back. I know the answer to this question.

"I really like him!" There it is. I'm happy for her. I'm happy for her. I'm definitely happy for her... I look down at my hands. "Shall we get changed then?" She asks. I look up and nod, grabbing my dress from the side as she grabs her.

My dress is a blush colour: a strapless one that stopped mid thigh. The top half is covered in sparkles; the bottom half is full of frills that flow with a cute little pink belt with a bow on it to separate the two halves.

I stand there, staring at myself in the mirror, admiring how grown up I look with my matching pink heels.

"Oh my gosh!" Amy says, really excited. "You look stunning. Max is gonna fall for you straight away!" Yeah... Max. The thought of Dylan pops into my head and I stop myself from frowning.

"Oh wow." I turn around and see Amy in her dress. It's a beautiful baby blue colour with subtle straps, a small belt of sparkles on the waist. "You look beautiful." I hesitate. "Dylan's gonna love it." I force a smile and she smiles wide as she looks into the mirror, admiring her whole look.

She's stunning, and I cannot think of a single flaw she has. I'm happy for her liking Dylan but it's just awkward. I like him.

My phone goes off and I walk over to it.

"Outside." I read the text out loud so Amy knows. She skips out of the room as she makes her way down. Good things she's wearing flats.

To my surprise, I see Amy waiting outside my door. "I thought we could be cliché and go out together." She smiles and I smile back.


Me and Max are patiently wait for the them to come out. We're both wearing black suits, Max wearing a 3-piece with a waistcoat and I'm wearing black formal trousers, a white shirt with a black tie and a black blazer.

Our chat gets interrupted when I hear the front door open, my speech trailing off.

Wow. Just wow.

I mean, they both look stunning.

But Cam... my girl looks beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, words cannot describe how she looks. Her blush coloured dress matching the colour of her cheeks as she notices me standing there, staring.


I can feel Dylan's eyes on mine, piercing through me but sending butterflies to my stomach. Gosh what is happening to me.

My eyes move to Max to see him staring at me as well. We start walking over, my eyes glancing to Dylan, meeting his eyes again.

"Hey." I say to Max, embarrassed at them both checking me out.

"Wow." Max says. I smile. "You look-I-uh-gosh." He stutters. I find it kinda cute.

"Thanks." I fiddle with a frill from my dress. "Oh shoot." My eyes widen and I drop the frill. "I forgot something. I'll be right back." I say, already walking back into the house.

I carefully run upstairs in my heels and grab the bracelet that my mom had given me for tonight. I look in the mirror and I slip the bracelet onto my wrist.

My eyes avert to the picture that's lying on the side, the one of me and Dylan which happened to fall out of my pocket and cause me to meet Charlie. I reach over and grab it, looking at the picture for what seems like ages. We look so happy.

"We were happy." I feel a warm breath on my neck, sending goosebumps all down my body. Did I say that out loud?

I turn to the mirror to see Dylan standing closely behind me, his eyes on the picture I'm holding. I look back at the picture and nod.

"I know." I sigh.

He takes the picture out of my hand and places it back on the side. He places his hands lightly on my hips and rests his chin on my shoulder, turning me by my hips to directly face the mirror.

"You look beautiful." He pauses. "You are beautiful."

We stare at each other's eyes from the reflection. My eyes trail to what Dylan's wearing, a classic tux with a black tie. He looks handsome.

I slide his hands from my hips and he lifts his head from my shoulder in confusion. I turn around and face him, my eyes level with the top of his shirt collar.

I grab the collar of his shirt and playfully pull him closer towards me, a slight grin creeping onto my face. I can feel his gaze on me as I focus hard on re-tying what was a crooked tie.

After I'm happy with what it looks like, I pull the collar back down and lastly adjust it, fitting the tie into place.

"That's better." I smile up to him, happy with how it looks.

"I've never been the one to tie a good tie." He smiles back.

I can feel his hand hovering on mine as he stares into my eyes. I gently interlock our hands.

"Go get her." I say to him with a smile. His face turns conflicted and he opens his mouth to speak. "Sh." I pull him in for hug before he can say anything and he places his arms around me.

"You're the one that I want." He softly whispers into my ear. I sigh, moving my hand to the back of his neck to play with the lower tufts of his hair.

Amnesia | Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now