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The rest of the drive was silent. Neither of us knew what to say after that very long moment.

The hug sparked something in me, but not enough to remember anything. I felt like when I talk to Dylan I forget everything else - which is ironic because in actual reality I've forgotten about him.

It made me sad that I kept the worst parts of my life and lost the best ones. I'm not quite sure what me and Dylan were, who he was to me, but he was the best ones.

We arrived at my house. It took me a while to figure if out because I was too busy in my own thoughts to realise I zoned out for a while.

"Cam? Uh-I mean Camilla?" He says while gently tapping my shoulder.

"Huh?" He slightly chuckles at my dumbfounded-ness.

"We're outside your house now."

"Oh." I sit still, not moving from the seat.

"Meaning you can get out of the car now... "

"Yeah, cool." He laughs again as he waves his hand in front of my face to check if I'm actually on earth right now.

I wake up and decide to get out of the car and walk up to the front door. Dylan locks his car and walks up to my front door with me.

Just as I'm about to go into the house I catch a glimmer of his keys... the car keys he holds in his hand.

Standing on the front step, I gently take his hand and unwrap it so his keys are laying on his palm. My thumb traces one of the key rings. It's a key ring that says 'and beyond' with a rocket, stars and a moon imprinted on it.

I can see he eyes are fixated on me as I look at the key ring, as if he sees something in it that I don't.

"To infinity and beyond." I hear him quietly say to himself.

I reach into my bag and grab my house keys, looking at the key rings.

"To infinity." I say, showing him the matching key ring. He smiles. Not a small smile, a big one. I smile.

"You better get inside." I nod.

"Thank you." I hand him his jacket. He nods and turns to walk back to his car.


I wake up with a pounding headache and feeling very tired.

My big brain decided to overthink things way too much like I always used to. I spent most of the night not being able to sleep trying to squeeze memories back into my mind. But of course that doesn't work.

This time I walk to college alone, taking time to think.

I haven't gotten much alone time recently because everyone has been constantly overcrowding me with 'oh are you alright' and 'oh what happened'.

The walk actually relieved my headache a bit.

I get to college and the sound of voices fill the air. Again, all people around their cars having conversations about the same irrelevant boring stuff.

I scan my eyes across the car park to see his blue jeep is already parked up but with no one inside. My eyes leave the car and are met with a familiar pair of eyes... Charlie's.

Great! No, no, no, please don't approach me, please don't approach me, please don-

"Hey Camilla," crap, "listen I'm really sorry for yesterday I got held up. I tried to find you and call you but remembered I didn't get your number." He playfully smacks his forehead.

"Yeah, I saw you get held up with some cheerleader or whatever." I give him a sarcastic smile.

"That wasn't what it looked like." He holds his hands up in defence.

"And what did it look like?" I tilt my head to the side and laugh. He struggles to reply. "Look, I'm not bothered ok." I smile. I really wasn't bothered.

"You should be." He responds.

"Why is that?" I ask, curious.

"I know we haven't known each other for long but we seem to have a connection and I really like you an-"

"You've known me for only a handful of days." I interrupt.

"Just let me finish." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Sorry." He gulps before he continues. "That girl, she really likes me and I started to lead her on but I don't know why. This was before you I met you by the way. She kissed me and I don't know why but I kissed her back." To be honest he's told me the truth. "You must have left before I pushed her away and told her I liked someone else and that I promised to take you home. I walked away to look for you but I couldn't find you anymore." He finishes.

"Charlie, it's ok. We've known each other barely a week." I say and turn in the direction of the front doors.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm not a dickhead." He walks with me towards the doors.

"Thank you." I force out a smile. With my throbbing headache I physically cannot be asked to make this conversation any longer. But I do genuinely appreciate his honesty and see that he is a nice person. His smile grew wide.

The bell rang as we walked inside and I started walking to class. "Oh and I hope you're free on Saturday!"

Thump. My head pounding constantly.

"I'm having a party." He adds.


"I'll pick you up at your house at" thump "7. See you then!" He says before I can even object or say anything.

A party? I thought to myself.


Amnesia | Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now