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"Have you got any spare clothes I can change in to?" I ask. "These reek of alcohol." I gesture to my clothes.

"Sure." He nods and heads upstairs to his room. I wander around as I wait for him to get me something.

I notice a shining picture frame that gleams off of the light from the lamp. I head over to it, curious. I carefully lift it from where it stood and hold it in my hands. My fingers tracing the outlines of Dylan and I as I see a picture of myself seeming truly happy. The way I smile at Dylan, the way he smiles back at me. It seems so... perfect.

"Cam?" I hear Dylan clear his throat.

"Huh, yeh?" I zone back in and and turn my head to look at him.

"I couldn't find much but I have thi-" His voice trails off as his eyes notice the picture that I'm holding. I follow his eyes and look back at the picture. I quickly return the frame to where it was placed before.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-"

"It's fine... really." He smiles. "So I found a shirt and some joggers." He says, holding them up and smiling.

"That's fine, thanks." I take one look at him and his smile before walking upstairs and changing into them.

His shirt smelt so much of him, such a familiar smell that I yearn to remember. I sigh before heading to his room.

I see him sat on the edge of his bed with his elbows resting on his knees, looking down at the floor as if he's trying to concentrate on something. I walk towards him and sit up on the desk opposite him.


"Huh?" His head shoots up so fast and his eyes wander round my body before stopping to meet my eyes.

"Am I sleeping in the guest room." I ask, not wanting to. He rubs the back of his neck before standing up towards me and placing himself directly in-between my legs. He's so close I can smell more of his cologne.

"Do you want to?" He asks and subtley glances down at his bandaged hand. I grab his hand and lightly trace my thumb over his sore knuckles. "It hurts." He states, not from my touch but from the punch. I bring his hand up to my lips and I place a gentle kiss on his knuckles, my eyes planted on his.

"Where else hurts?" I ask.

"Here." He points to his forehead with his other hand. I let go of his bandaged hand and lean upright to place a kiss on his forehead.

"And here." He quietly says before I pull back. He points to his nose. I place a kiss on the tip of his nose, holding back my grin.

"And here." He whispers and leans back to point to his lips. My eyes shoot to his, his look giving me the answer I need.

I glance down to his lips and place both of my hands around his neck. I place a warm, sweet kiss on his lips. I move back but he moves with me and deepens the miss, making it less innocent as my hands run through his hair and our tongues meet.

We shortly pull back for air and he leans his forehead on mine. His hands that rest on my thighs move up my leg, causing the shirt material to lift with it. He stops when his hands reach my hips.

"God you look so hot in my shirt." He says. I feel his warm breath on my face.

"I'd look even hotter with it off." I smirk as I lift the shirt over the top of my body and throw it to the side. He becomes shocked at my action but his eyes travel everywhere, seeing something he hasn't seen in a long while.

Before I know it he pulls my body towards his and I wrap my legs around his torso with my arms around his neck. He lifts me from the desk and walks towards the bed where he drops me with my back on the mattress. He hovers over me with his hands either side of my head to support himself. He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear with his hand, longing-fully staring into my eyes.


"Shut up." I grab his shirt and pull him to me so that our lips hastily meet. He softly smiles into the kiss before his hands trail the outline of my body, tracing my subtle curves, his grasp becoming tighter as our tongues collide.

I wrap my legs around his lower chest, bringing my hips to his. I grab his hand to move it to where I want it.

"Shit, Dylan, I'm sorry." I say as I accidentally scratch his knuckle with my nail. He softly winces and takes his hand back.

"It's fine, Cam." He examines his knuckle and sighs before grabbing me by my waist and lifting me off him. I frown, the perfect moment gone.

Amnesia | Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now