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We get to the front door of my house. I pull out my key and open the door. I don't walk in I just stand there facing the door with the key still in the lock.

"Dylan?" I turn around and our eyes meet. "Do you wanna come in for dinner?" I ask, hearing my mom dish some food up.

"I don't want to bother you and your mom." He says, being polite.

"Come on." I roll my eyes and grab his hand, leading him into the house. The door shuts and I drag him into the kitchen. "Hey, Mom."

"Hi, hone-" She looks up and her smile widens when she sees Dylan. "Oh hi, Dylan." He greets her back.

"Is it alright if Dylan stays for dinner?" I ask her.

"It's really ok. I can go home." Dylan says again.

"You're only going to go to yours and eat alone anyway." I say jokingly.

"That's fine." My mom says.

"See! It's fine." I stick my tongue out at him and he just laughs at my childishness.

Dinner went really well. The food my mom made was amazing and I could tell Dylan and my mom get on really well judging by their conversations and laughing. I engaged in conversation a bit. I was more eating my food listening to their conversation.

My mom and Dylan were talking for a while and so I excused myself from the table and went up to my room.

I plug my earphones into my laptop and decide to watch a film while laying stomach down on my bed.

After a while I got really engrossed in the film. It was a quiet scene in the movie, quiet enough for me to hear a knock at my bedroom door.

My head tilts up and I see Dylan standing there, hands in his pockets leaning against the door frame looking right at me. Not going to lie, he looks pretty good right now. My teenage hormones are building up.

I surpass it by giving him a smile and looking back at my laptop.

I can see him smile back and he makes his way towards me. He sits on the side of the bed and kicks off his shoes. He then mimics my current position next to me, his shoulder touching mine.

He nudges me with his shoulder as I turn to look at him. He turns my head to the side even more as I give him a confused look. He takes the earphone out of my left ear and puts it in his left ear. We stay like that until the film ends.

When the film ends we both take the earphones out of our ears. He flips himself so he is looking at the ceiling with his back on the bed. I stay as I watch him stare at the ceiling. His lips form a smirk.

"Something on the ceiling making you smirk or?" I knock his shoulder with mine jokingly.

"Yeah, the ceiling is really sexy right now." I stare at him with a grossed-out look while he looks at me and laughs.

I turn back to my laptop and open the photo album. Dylan turns and realises what I'm trying to find as he lays on his side and closes the laptop lid.

"That's not going to help." I sigh and move my laptop to the bedside table while sitting on the side of the bed.

Dylan pokes the side of my stomach making me laugh because of my high ticklish-ness. "You're horrible." I laugh.

"I better get home. It's late." He says and sits upright on the bed. He stands up and heads towards the door. "Goodnight, Cam."

"Goodnight." I softly smile.

It didn't feel right. I wanted him to stay.

I know deep down that I'm the reason he lacks sleep. He said to me earlier that the most sleep he got was next to me. I want him to sleep. I care about him.

I get off the bed and run downstairs out the front door. I see him opening the car door and I run to the passenger side. I pop my head in.

"Get out the car." I demand. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He tries to object but I don't let him. "Please?" I add.

He sighs and gets out of the car. I grab his car keys from his hand and lock the car for him. While holding the car keys I interlock our pinkies and lead him back into the house.

"What's going on, Cam?" He rubs his fingers over his eyelids. I don't say anything, I just pull him up the stairs into my room.

"Stay here." I break our pinkies apart and head towards my moms room, knocking on the door. "Mom? Are you awake?" She opens the door for me.

"Honey, why aren't you in bed?" My mom asks concerned.

"I am, I am. I wanted to ask if Dylan can stay?" I ask nicely.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." She sighs.

"Please," I pause, "it won't do any harm. He can sleep on the sofa?" She thinks to herself. "I feel guilty. He gets no sleep because of what happened. You've seen the bags under his eyes." I try to fight my case.

"Fine. The least that boy deserves is to get some sleep." I thank her and hug her before stepping back into my room.

I see Dylan sat on the edge of my bed, nearly falling asleep. "You're staying here tonight." I tell him.

"Cam, liste-" I don't let him finish.

"No, you listen." He stops talking. "You said that you got the most sleep next to me earlier." He sighs and nods. "You need some sleep. You stay here for the night and see if it helps ok?" He stays silent for a minute.

"I guess..." He walks over to the side of the bed and picks up one of the blankets.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Sleeping on the sofa downstairs. I'll be ok with a blanket." I nod and he leaves the room.

I change into some shorts, turn the lights off and get into bed. I try to sleep, unsuccessfully. I look to my phone to see that half an hour has passed. I sigh, thinking about Dylan downstairs.

I get up and walk downstairs, quietly entering the living room. Dylan's awake eyes instantly meet mine.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." He responds.

"I can't sleep. You?" I ask, facing him at the end of the sofa. He shakes his head and rests his head back on the sofa.

"This theory isn't working so far." He quietly laughs. I frown.

"Come with me." I reach my hand out for his.

"Where are we going?" He asks, his hand in mine.

"On my bed with me, silly." I quickly add and grab the blanket.

Amnesia | Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now