Chapter 2

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Vicki's POV.

I brush my hair, after I blow-dry it. I have just had a shower, and I pick out my outfit for the night. I decide to go with slip-ons, and a pretty white summer-dress with flowers. I'm too bored to curl my hair, so i move onto my make-up.

I decide not to overdo it, and apply black eyeliner that brings out my dark brown eyes, and mascara. It takes me ten minutes in all to get this done, before I apply slight lip gloss. I look at my phone, at the time, and I only have ten more minutes before Bea, Jack and Charlie come over. I wear cute butterfly earrings, and a bracelet that Harry had given me. It's a bunch of small, pink hearts, the non-cheesy ones, with one big heart, with an 'H' engraved on it. I'm his.

I brush my hair once again, just as the doorbell rings. I quickly put everything back in it's place as I hear my mother call out to me, "Vicki! Your friends are here!" I shut off the light, and head down the stairs.

Bea is wearing white shorts and a similar green see-through shirt, with slip-ons, like mine, and a flower in her hair. I guess it's one of those hair pins or whatever.

Jack wears bermudas and a white shirt, and Charlie wears something similar but with a blue shirt, with the first two buttons open. His hair is unusually messy, and it makes me smile.

"Hi," they all say at once.


"Vicki," my mother says, and I turn to her.

"Yes, mom, won't stay out too late," I say, knowing what she's gonna say.

"We'll bring her back before curfew, Mrs. Gomes," Charlie says.

"Before the clock strikes midnight," Jack says, and I roll my eyes.

"We'll bring home your Cinderella safe and um.. alright." This is Bea. I stick my tongue out at their ridiculous rhyme, and my mother laughs.

"Go. Take care," she says, and with that, we are out of the house.

We walk to where Drew's house is, it's not too far from my place.

Within ten minutes, we reach, and can hear the blasting music, and a few drunk teenagers are out on the front porch and frontyard. We make our way to the door, not really saying anything.

We've all heard that Drew's parties are epic, but none of us really went-- not that we weren't invited, we just... didn't.

The door is opened by a young boy that looks not older than fifteen. He smells slightly of beer, but he doesn't look buzzed or drunk.

"Hi," he says, smiling this really charming smile. "I'm Keaton."

"Oh," Bea says. "Wesley's brother, right?"

"Oh, you're Vicki?" he asks, smiling wider. "Wes has told me so much about you."

I feel myself blush. Wes really talked about me? That's nice. People usually just notice Bea.

"No, I'm uh Beatrice." Ouch. I could see that Beatrice likes him.

"Oh, of course," Keaton says, facepalming himself. "And you are Vicki." He turns to me and smiles. "And Jack," he says, and Jack fist-bumps him. "Charlie, Beatrice's brother,' he says finally, acknowledging Charlie.

"Yeah, he did mention Beatrice is blonde. Dumb me," I really like how he talks. "Come in."

We all step into the house, that is already full of drunk teens and I can almost smell the raging hormones.

"Well, beer," Bea says, grabbing one of the red cups with the beer. She takes another and hands it to me, but I decline.

"Need to be home by twelve. Mom can't know I've been drinking, she'lll be up waiting for me for sure," I reason. She shrugs and Jack snatches the cup, gulping it down.

Words left Unsaid. [Wesley Stromberg.]Where stories live. Discover now