William T. Spears x Dying!Reader (Modern)

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I'm only 17 and dying. I have cancer. My life was filled with hope and dreams up until I was twelve when I started getting sick. I was thirteen when I was diagnosed with cancer and 15 when I was admitted into the hospital because I was unable to live at home anymore. I was given three years to live and I'm on my second.

"Come inside Mr. Spears," I say, breaking the silence of the room, the only other sound is beeping of the heart monitor. The window opens and a man enters my room, most teenage girls would be afraid of the man who just walked in but not me. He's William T. Spears, a grim reaper, the one who's going to reap my soul when I die, which is soon.

"How are you doing today (Y/n)?" William asks as he sits in the chair next to my bed, I smile and twirl the cable to the heart monitor that's connected to my finger.

"I'm doing good, just a bit of coughing up blood, sleeping, watching tv, and playing on my laptop. What about you Mr. Spears?" Williams lips turn into a frown when I tell him I was coughing up blood, my lungs are complete shit and it's a normal thing for me to do now.

"A few soul collections but other than that, I'm doing fine." I nod and lay back, my head resting on the hospital pillow, you'd think that they'd give me a more comfortable bed since I've been living here so long.

"I still don't understand how you can be so calm when you're talking to me, I'm death yet you still treat me like I'm a friend." I smile and cough a bit, he hands me a tissue that becomes painted red with blood, I sigh and throw it away.

"I'm going to die sooner or later aren't I? Might as well get it done soon so I don't have to be in so much pain, do you know how much it hurts to even breathe at times? My lungs feel like they're on fire half the time," William frowns.

"Loosen up Mr. Spears."

"Call me William," I smile and hand him a piece of paper, "What's this?"

"I had one of the nurses print it off, I want to give it to you since you're the only one who visits me," William opens the paper and finds a will, I know I'm only 17 but I still have my own possessions, his eyes widen when he reads it.

"A will?" He looks up at me and I nod.

"Yup, I'm gonna die so I needed to take care of everything, I just wanted to show you because I'm giving you everything." He looks at me in disbelief.

"You'll get my laptop, books, drawings, what money I have in my bank account, all of it. I also want to give you this." I hand him another paper, it's a drawing of him and I, we're both outside in a park and we're smiling.

"You truly are talented," I smile and pull the blankets up over me more, "Are you cold?"

"Yeah," I mumble, William takes his jacket off before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling it over me, I smile and wrap it around myself, relishing in the body heat that it's trapped.

"So, are you able to tell me when I'm going to die? Or are you still not allowed to?" William sighs.

"I've told you many times (Y/n), I'm not allowed to tell you. Although if it brings any closure, it is going to be soon." I nod and nestle into the jacket.

"I know this is kinda forward, but can you hold me?" William seems a bit surprised back with the request but nods, I manage to push myself forward and he sits behind me before pulling me onto his lap, being careful of the IV and all the cables that are attached to me. I smile and relax into his embrace, loving the feeling of his beautifully warm chest against my cold back.

"Thanks William," I grab my phone and take a picture of us, I look at it and see that he was actually smiling, it's a sad smile but it's a smile nonetheless. "Why are you so sad Will?"

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