Sebastian x Deaf!Reader

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I feel the vibrations of a door closing, my bare feet carry me down to the living room, I smile upon the sight, my boyfriend, Sebastian Michaelis. He turns around and smiles when he sees me. I rush up to him and hug him, he gladly hugs back and breaks the hug to talk to me. I'm deaf so the only way I can 'talk' to someone is sign language, I can read lips though.

"How are you today love?" Sebastian's lips move, I smile and sign back.

"Good, and you?" Sebastian picks me and carries me over to the couch where he sits down and makes me sit on his lap. "You know I can't tell what you're saying like this."

His finger moves the sleeve of my shirt up and traces words on my arm, I smile and laugh a bit.

"I know, I just want to cuddle. I had a long day," I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder, his chin finds its way to my shoulder and he kisses my cheek. "Why don't you move in with me?"

I grab his other hand and trace words on his palm.

"Would your master let me? I'm not much use when it comes to working, you know  this." I feel his chest move as he laughs.

"Of course he'd let you, I am his head butler after all, he'd let me hire you when he  realizes the situation and your condition," I roll my eyes, Sebastian calls the fact that I'm deaf, due to a high fever I contracted when I was about three, a condition. I know he's a demon, he told me awhile ago when I asked him why I feel a dark aura when I'm around him. My senses are advanced, I've always been able to sense auras, although Sebastian's is the darkest I've ever sensed so that's why I asked him.

"You're his only butler," We both laugh at the fact, I may only be tracing words on his gloved palm but he can sense the sarcasm, that I love about him. "I'd like it if I moved in with you, we can talk about this more later, I want to cuddle."

"Of course," Sebastian picks me up and I hold onto him as he walks up the stairs and drops me on my bed. He quickly removes all but his pants and lays down next to me, I smile and curl up next to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and laying my head on his chest. He kisses my head and relaxes.

About twenty minutes go by and I feel his chest vibrate when he growls.

"I need to go, the manor is under attack." Sebastian draws the words on my back I frown and let him go. "I love you."

"I love you too," I sign back and he quickly kisses me before redressing and walking over to the window. I get up and kiss him one last time before he opens the window and jumps out into the night. Only one thought on my mind as I lay down and slowly fall asleep.

"Dammit Phantomhive!"

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