Sebastian x Dying Master!Reader

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This was a request I had, I forgot who requested it but if you're reading, enjoy


I lay in my bed, awaiting the cold hands of death when my butler, my demon butler, Sebastian walks in, he frowns at the sight of my pale, dying body.

"Have you taken your medication tonight, my Lady?" I sigh and look at the bottles of medication that have prolonged my life.

"Sebastian, you and I both know that it's pointless to, I'm going to die any day now." He frowns at my words and starts dispensing my medication, I sigh and attempt to sit up, only to find myself too weak to even do that, even trying makes my heart race and my breathing speed up. Sebastian stops me and sits me up himself.

"You will be stronger if you do," Sebastian says as he puts my medication into the tea he had brought in with him, I open my mouth reluctantly and he pours the tea down my throat. I start coughing badly and Sebastian sighs.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

I sigh as I hear her cough, I've been serving my Lady (Y/n) for about ten years now, knowing that once her disease kills her I'll get to consume her succulent soul. I help her lay down since she's too weak to do it herself and she smiles, no matter how sick she is, her (e/c) eyes always remain bright and she always smiles.

"How are you feeling, my Lady?" I ask as I pull the covers up over her, she smiles weakly at me, her pale face is illuminated by the moonlight.

"Alright, no better or worse than usual," I nod and she shivers.

"Are you cold, my Lady?" She nods.

"I know you're a butler but will you lay with me?" I nod and stand to remove my tailcoat and vest, I kick my shoes off and carefully lay on the bed next to her, under the blanket. She curls up closer to me and I wrap my arms around her cold frame, pulling her close to my body so she's warmer.

"The stars are beautiful tonight Sebastian." We both look at the stars through the skylight she had me put in so she could still watch the stars even when she's bedridden.

"Yes they are, my Lady," She sighs.

"Call me by my name please, Sebastian," I nod.

"Yes (Y/n)," She smiles and looks at me.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me Sebastian," I smile at her.

"I require no such praise (Y/n), I'm simply one Hell if a butler." She laughs and coughs a bit, her coughing fits have been more frequent lately, I know that my time as her butler is coming to an end.

"You are one Hell of a butler," I chuckle and she coughs some more, I rub small circles on her back to try to stop her coughing. Once she's done coughing she lays her head on my chest and cuddles closer to me, I pull the blankets up over her shoulders and tighten my arms around her slightly, trying to keep her warm. "I think you'll be able to eat tonight Sebastian."

"(Y/n), don't say such things, you'll live for awhile longer," I say with fake reassurance, I'm simply trying to keep her hopes up, I can tell that tonight is most likely her last, if she makes it through the night I'll be surprised.

"You and I both know that's not true." I sigh, "Have you had fun Sebastian?"

"What do you mean?"

"Being contracted to me, have you had fun?" I nod and she smiles, "I've had fun too." She yawns and I smile a little.

"Get some sleep (Y/n)," She nods and buries her head in my chest, I smile to myself and look down at her.

"Thank you Sebastian, I'm so happy that you've stuck by me, even if it was just for my soul, you've earned it." I sigh and she falls asleep in my arms.

"It's truly been an honor working for you (Y/n), I've enjoyed every moment I've spent with you," I say quietly before I do something I'd usually never dream of, I kiss her as she sleeps, knowing that she'll be dead by morning, she smiles in her sleep once I break away and I hear her heart start to slow. I sigh as her heart comes to a complete stop and I eat her soul, relishing in the delightful taste.

Once I'm finished consuming her soul I get out of bed and lay her on her back with the blankets up to just below her chest as I fold her hands together. Once I'm done brushing her hair to make her even more beautiful than she already was before I kiss her still warm lips once again and smile down at her body, I put my tailcoat, vest and shoes back on and walk to the door of the room.

"Goodbye (Y/n), I fear you will be missed," I say quietly before taking my leave. 

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