"Where do you think you're going? Get back here you wimp!" The children surounded Fresh, kicking, punching, and mocking him. Among those kids was his brother, Error. The brother he once trusted with all of his deepest secrets. The secrets that Error had told everyone in the school. Now, curled in a ball and crying of pain, Fresh tried to get away from the bullies. His brother grabbed his arms and lifted him off the ground.
"What are you doing, Fresh? You worthless brat! Come on guys, lets go do something that's not a waste of our time." Error said kicking his brother one last time and leaving Fresh there under a tree, crying to himself until his mom, CQ, found him 3 hours later, passed out.
"Mr. Fresh? Are you with us?" Fresh heard his teacher say. He looked up to see his teacher looking at him worridly.
"O-oh, yes sir, just lost in thought. Sorry." He replied. Ever since their brother Geno had been admitted to the hospital, Error and Fresh were given a little bit of leeway. Fresh looked to his left, at Error, who was staring at him. At first, Fresh believed he saw something in his brother's eyes- worry, maybe?- but it was quickly changed to rage when he saw Fresh looking at him.
"Why would you even believe something like that?" Fresh thought. "He doesn't care. No one does. No one but Deccy." He looked over to Decay, dubbed DeccyDec, who was trying to pretend to not be worried. When he saw Fresh look at him, he lifted his shaky hands and started to sign.
"Meet me after school. We need to chat." He signed. Fresh sighed and turned back to his desk.
"You've worried him so much! As if he needed anything else to worry about." Fresh frowned and started chipping at his arm, at the scabs of his self-inflicted cuts. He stopped at 2, not wanting to have blood go through his sleeve.
The rest of the school day, he sat at his desk, not really paying attention to his teachers. Occasionally, they'd ask if was okay, and he'd reply with the casual 'mhm' or the nod of his head.
Fresh put his science book in his locker and, grabbing his math book, closed his locker and started walking towards the door.
He shoved the book in his neon backpack, put his hat and glasses on, seeing as they were against school dress code so he couldn't wear them during classes, and rolled away on his weelies.
Once outside, he looked around for Decay, but failed at finding him. Just then he was kicked in the back of the legs and fell to the floor. He was then picked up by the collar of his shirt and came face to face with Error.
"Hey, Freaky Fresh! What's up? You lookin' for your wimpy friend?" Error spat in his face. Fresh's eyesockets went wide at that statement, and his eye began glowing purple.
"What did you do to him!?" Fresh yelled. Decay was weak, and had lived a good portion of his life in the hospital. Without Fresh, there was no telling what the bullies had done to him.
"Oh, it's okay Fresh, he's right here." Just then one of Error's friends stepped to the side. In his grip was Deccy, crying and looking at Fresh in fear. He was shaking like a leaf, and he had bruises and gashes all over his face, arms, and legs.
"Leave him the funk out of this, Error! He never did anything!" Fresh screamed, tears running down his cheeks upon seeing his friend like this. Error's face turned to pure confusion upon seeing Fresh cry.
"Okay. Brandon, you can 'drop' the wimp now." The guy holding Deccy threw him to the ground and kicked him in the ribs. Deccy coughed up blood, and curled into a shaky ball.

No More Freshness
FanficWhat happens when the skeleton with no emotions finally gets an emotion? What if that one emotion is bad? This takes place after Geno is put in the hospital. Error has now started hitting Fresh, leading Fresh to his first emotion: Depression. (Cov...