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It'd been almost a month now that Carrie had been home and she was slowly starting to feel better. She was starting to be able to stop thinking about everything that'd happened.

Mike had been there for her through absolutely everything and they were closer than ever. Mike's feelings for Carrie were becoming stronger and it was hard for him to control how he felt. He was worried that if he was honest with Carrie and told her how he really felt that she would be overwhelmed and that was the last thing that he wanted to happen.

"Carrie, you look great!" Mike smiled widely as she approached the table that he had saved for the two of them.

"Thank you." She blushed gently as she gave Mike a gentle hug before the two sat down.

"How are you?" Mike questioned, looking at her seriously as the two picked up the menus.

"Uh, alright. Better than I was I guess." She answered, shrugging her shoulders as she bit her lip gently. "Kind of miss you staying over though." Carrie confessed, biting her lip softly. "Can I ask you a question?" She licked her lips, him nodding. "Why don't you play hockey anymore?" She questioned, causing Mike to take a deep breath.

"Have you talked to Olivia?"

"Yes. She didn't mean to say anything. But once she did she all she said was that you quit hockey to become a detective after I was kidnapped and you just put in your two weeks notice. I just want to know why." Carrie explained, him holding his breath.

"I, I had to find you. You were my best friend; you are my best friend." Mike answered, Carrie smiling softly. "I couldn't just wait around for your body to be found." She lowered her head once he stopped talking, feeling embarrassed.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just, I was scared." Mike shook his head, not wanting to make her upset.

"So, did you? Did you find me?"

"The reason that David came home late the day that you escaped was because he was at the precinct with me for questioning." Mike confessed, Carrie unsure of what to say. She was so overwhelmed with emotions; she was speechless. "Carrie, are you okay?" He asked, her pushing her hair out of her face as she tried to figure out her thoughts on everything Mike had just said.

"Why, why wouldn't you um, tell me that?" Carrie finally made eye contact with him, Mike able to see the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

"I didn't want you feeling like you owe me something, I don't. Carrie, I didn't want you to ask why." Mike replied, feeling terribly.

"Mike, I want you to be honest with me. Please, just tell me the truth." Carrie shook her head, holding her breath as she wiped away a tear that'd fallen down her face.

"I, Carrie, I'm in love with you." He confessed, Carrie standing up from the table and walking out of the restaurant, more tears falling down her face. "Care, wait," Mike followed after her.

Carrie didn't know how to feel. She felt as if everything he'd done for her was only to get closer to her, romantically. Carrie felt like maybe the only reason he'd been there for her after she'd returned was to date her and she wasn't ready for that.

"Please don't follow me. I, I just need some time."

Carrie's heart felt like it was about to explode. She wasn't sure what to think. She felt like Mike had just been lying to her the whole time about everything.

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