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"Boo." Raphael chuckled when he failed to make you jump. When you smiled and turned to face him, he gripped your chin and kissed you softly, vanishing as your siblings rounded the corner and caught up with you.

"You look flushed... are you ok?" Alec pressed a hand to your forehead which you batted away, turning towards the building you'd hurried to in an attempt to beat your siblings so you could have even a second alone with Raphael.

"She's fine Alec she ran the whole way here." Izzy muttered.

With a glance over your shoulder, at the shadows your vampire had retreated into, you lead the way into the run down building. The white light of your witchlight had you flinching as you tried to adjust your eyes to the light and raised your blade in your free hand.

"Go left." Alec whispered to you, with a nod you followed his orders, carefully creeping your way through the derelict building. You froze when a smaller demon streaked pass you only for something bigger to attack it.

"Woah (Y/N) it's me." Raphael muttered. "I know I'm a distraction but I can't have you getting hurt." He winked and vanished again, this time for good, and you returned your attention to the task at hand.

Sneaking out to see a vampire was a difficult task, your nights were occupied by missions all be it interrupted missions but missions non the less, your days with training and other Shadowhunter duties.

"Where do you think you're going?" of all the people to catch you it had to be Alec, your older brother was harder to fool, Izzy on the other hand didn't really care what you did as long she got to hear about her 'big sister escapades'.

"For a run." You said quickly. He nodded suspiciously but didn't press the issue, letting you walk out of the institute as if you'd never spoken.

It didn't take long to reach the station, choosing to use Mundane transport over the traceable portals, and soon you were stood in front of the hotel, knowing that Raphael's minions we're told not to touch you if you ever 'invaded their space'.

Raphael's lips were on your neck before you even saw him, tugging of your leather jacket and tossing it to the side, he gently traced his fingers over the bare skin your crop top had left exposed. With a sudden movement he span you round and smiled as you slid your arms around his neck.

"It's funny, a few months ago you we're pretending to hate me and now you happily skip along into my lair, I do have to ask how do you think your brother would react if he found out..." Raphael smiled when you rolled your eyes.

"He will literally explode... well no he'd do this silent brooding and the Jace would lose it for him." You mumbled after some thought. He chuckled at the thought and kissed you again, this time his lips met your softly, his hands running over your neck.

"(Y/N) what do you think you are doing!" You pulled away and looked over to the doorway where a furious Alec stood in front of a very amused Jace and Izzy.

"Oh little lightwood this is a plot twist." Raphael muttered.

"I think it's cute, I mean she finally found a man who can match her in a fight." Izzy grinned despite Alec glaring at her.

"It is not appropriate to be... with a Downworlder." Alec gasped franticly.

"Magnus." You and Jace said at the same time.

"OH Lightwood she's got you there." Raphael muttered with a shake of his head.

Your brother flushed as he gave you a look of frustration but found he had no response. You jumped when Raphael moved, kissing you so passionately that for a moment you'd forgotten the compromising situation you were in, he nipped his blunted fangs against you neck and turned you to face your brother and picked you up by the waist.

"No need to look so irritated big brother, no fang holes I promise." He winked at Izzy which only heightened your brother's silent fuming.

"You are not going out without me ever again." Alec snapped as he dragged you away from the building.

"Alec her boyfriend is going to live forever... I'm not sure waiting out the relationship will.... Yeah (Y/N) never again say good bye to the outside world." Jace quickly changed his tune when Alec fixed him with a deathly look.

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