little angel

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Ducking you rolled and threw a blade into the side of the attacking demon. Before the other two could dive for you Raphael and a group of his vampires dived for them, making you roll your eyes as you stowed your weapons and stormed away.

"You're welcome little angel." Raphael declared loudly as you stormed away from him.

"I didn't need your help." You huffed becoming tired of him hurrying to rescue you at the last minute.

Your feelings for Raphael were complicated, when you'd first come to New York you had worked with Raphael and decided to keep your slowly developing feelings for him a secret in case they weren't reciprocated.

"Well I didn't have to help you but it was three to one I thought you might prefer breathing as opposed to a burial." Raphael snapped.

"I don't need to be rescued all the time, is that all any of you think about me." You yelled. "Every time you rescue me it gets reported and now I have extra training because I might be good but it's not good enough."

"Hey (Y/N), I..." You cut him off and pushed the hands that were resting on your shoulders away from him.

"I get it you all think I can't deal with being a Shadowhunter or being among Mundanes." You didn't give him a chance to object or defend himself as you hurried away.

Blearing alarms jolted you awake as you looked around before realising you'd fallen asleep on your bed. You reached under your pillow as your bed dipped and pulled a small blade out, only stopping when Raphael gripped your hand.

"Woah little angel." He muttered letting go once you'd relaxed.

"Raphael you're setting off the alarms!" You squeaked as you propped yourself up and glanced towards your locked door.

"Mhm I sent some vampires to distract the others." He rolled onto his side and smiled, gently brushing his hand through your hair. "Do you feel any better no you've rested?"

"I'm sorry I got so mad." You muttered. "I just got so stressed out and it was the first solo mission I'd been on in a while."

"It's fine, you mortals have bad days." Raphael hummed as you propped your head on his shoulder. He grinned when you giggled and looked up at him.

"You have bad days to you know." You smiled when he rolled his eyes and for a moment you were both still until he slowly lent down and kissed you softly.

He reluctantly pulled away when shouts could be heard from the corridor. Slowly picking you up and carrying you to the balcony without breaking the kiss, he set you down and caressed your face.

"Next time you have a bad day talk to me and I'll try and help." Raphael said softly. His lips ghosted yours before he vanished, leaving you to rest and question your rapidly changing feelings for him.

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