Your Vampire

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The soft thump of your exhausted body hitting the bed had you instantly relaxing. Your day had just gotten worse and worse, first you had to spend all night on a mission, checking in with Alec, then filling in paper work and train with Jace for a solid hour.

All while mentally scolding yourself for majorly crushing on your best friend and reminding yourself every time he spoke to you that blushing was a stupid thing to do. Knowing only one person would cheer you up you grabbed your phone, rolling to reach over to your bedside table and sliding of the bed with a loud oomph.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Alec called as he walked past your room.

"Yes, fine, by now." You gushed mentally repeating how stupid it was to develop a crush on him in the first place.

Whenever your feelings got out of hand you ended up hanging out with Raphael, explaining your feelings to him always made you feel better. Although now it was just more complicated because you now had a crush on your gay bestie and a real old vampire who threatened to bite you every time you brought up the word 'sparkles'.

Safe to say your life was becoming more complicated than one of Jace's ridiculously elaborate plans. It took three rings and a rude comment about calling Raphael during the day before he'd reluctantly agreed that he'd missed you to and would be waiting for you at the hotel.

"You are aware that I should be sleeping right now." Raphael said as he wondered into the room, looking at you as you lolled over the golden sofa you'd claimed as your own.

"It's so hot outside." You moan making him chuckle.

"Sweetheart you're dressed in leather; you're going to get hot." Raphael muttered.

He lifted his arm so you could snuggle into his side once you'd shed your jacket, sipping from thick red liquid as he felt you begin to doze off on his shoulder. He gently kissed your forehead, letting you rest as he began to fall asleep himself. You were woken by your phone ringing loudly and you moaned, rolling of the sofa and crawling across the floor to retrieve it from across the room.

"Behold, a member of the Shadowhunter race, a superior species." Raphael declared when you flapped your hand until your phone slid of the sofa and into your hand.

"Shush." You groaned. "Hello?"

Raphael watched as you grabbed your coat and began hurrying to the doors. You hung up and ran back, skidding to a halt in front of the vampire to give him a hug.

"What's going on?" Raphael asked quickly.

"Not sure I have to go bye." You yelled over your shoulder.

A new problem had reared its head. Camille had forced the Clave's hand and unless you warned Raphael to stand against her the vampire could be in serious danger. But Alec had asked you not to tell Raphael, you were torn, if Raphael got hurt you'd be devastated especially if you could have prevented it.

Which was when it clicked. You had spent years with a crush on Alec but now, you had really fallen for Raphael, the revelation had you jumping up from your bed as you grabbed your phone and Stele.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Alec asked as he tried to grab your arm.

"I'm going to do the right thing." You snapped hurrying away as you evaded his grip.

You arrived at the Hotel and yanked the curtains and shutters closed to that you could throw open Raphael's casket. You giggled when he woke up and began complaining.

"Never open a vampire's casket." He grumbled.

"It's an emergency." You said quickly.

"The last emergency consisted of cuddling and you falling asleep." Raphael muttered with a quirked eyebrow.

"It's more than that, Camille did something but I'm not sure what it was, the vampires could be in trouble unless you do something and I finally figured out that it's not Alec that I have feelings for but you and I didn't even notic...!"

He cut off your rambling by kissing you roughly, his hands cupping your head as he tangled his fingers in your hair. When he pulled away you blushed profusely and smiled as he let you hide your face in his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll get it under control... how about the crazy Shadowhunter takes a nap." He joked, lifting you she he could carry you to a near sofa and settle you down on it.

"Thanks'." You say quietly.

"It's fine I love you." He muttered back with a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"Me to... I mean I don't love me, it's you... not that you love me, no wait you do um..." You babbled.

He laughed and sat next to you as you fell asleep with your vampire watching over you.

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