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"Well hello there sweetheart." Raphael hummed smugly.

You gave no other response than a growl, followed by a hiss when he stepped even closer, eyeing him like a wild beast.

"Ah, careful Amor, now then let me see." He looked at you closely, confusing you enough to let him wave his hands hypnotically in front of you.

You woke in a building you didn't recognise, a man was with Raphael, both of them turning to look at you as you sat up.

"Can't you at least check?" He muttered to which the other man nodded.

"The favours I do for you Raphael, I better be getting a better Christmas present this year." You growled when the man finished talking and walked to you, gripping your face in his hands. "Excuse you young lady, no need to be so rude... I'm Magnus."

"Well, is she?" Raphael sighed, walking the length of the room before retracing his steps till you felt to dizzy to watch him.

"Will you be patient." Magnus sighed, gripping your face tighter as his hands started to glow. "Open your mouth."

"What does it say!" Raphael sounded like a giddy child, to which Magnus cluck his tongue and pulled away from you.

"Yes, she is yours, you belong together now would you kindly leave?" He chuckled fondly. "I do not intend to experience another of your romances."

"How are you today Amor?" Raphael asked when he found you alone in one of the many rooms of the hotel.

Instead of answering you scowled, tossing a knife at him with surprising accuracy. Raphael chuckled as he pulls it out, twirling it in his fingers as he walked towards you.

"Now that is just rude." He hummed, frowning when you huffed at him.

"I want to go home." You snapped quickly.

"You are home, Magnus has tested you and I was right, you're my mate." He chuckled when you crinkled your nose. "Soulmate if you prefer."

"Why?" You asked simply and he shrugged.

"Not even Magnus knows that, but we'll get to know each other a little better and who knows, maybe ell figure it out."

You smiled as the vampire you were talking to joked around, smiling at his attempts to flirt with you, not even noticing when Raphael was suddenly next to you.

"Hello Amor." He hummed, kissing softly at your neck as you tried to continue talking to them.

"Raph!" You giggled as he nipped a small mark into your neck before sidling off to get a drink, returning a few minutes later to slid his arm around your waist.

"I'm sure I gave you all something to do, why're you here bothering (Y/N)?" Raphael snapped after you'd ignored him, staring the other vampire down until he left.

"That was mean." You giggled, ducking your head into his neck before pulling away.

"Well you are mine." He smirked, kissing you quickly.

Raphael Santiago ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now