Karma Is A Bitch

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A/N: I dedicated this chapter to @valeriecrane because she is an awesome writer who makes me laugh and doesn't mind me spamming the hell out her books with comments. To all who are reading this story, check out some of her work. I promise you won't be disappointed.


Taemin's POV:

Taking a bow one last time, I waved at the concert goers. This was the last show on my tour. Doing this solo tour had been a great distraction from my "less than stellar" personal life.

With a sigh and a wave, I began to walk off stage. Grabbing a towel, I wiped the sweat from my face and tossed it out into the crowd—before disappearing behind the curtains.

Quickly, I ran to my dressing room and changed clothes. There would be no Hi-touch or photo-ops tonight and for that I was kind of glad.

It was getting harder and harder faking my smile—hell faking my happiness.

The truth was, I was miserable as fuck—and it all stemmed from my own stupidity. I still couldn't believe that I actually believed those bitches and what they said about Kikah. I was pretty sure she didn't want anything to do with me any more in any shape, form, or fashion—and I understand.

Hell, I don't even blame her. To be honest, I have a hard time looking at my own reflection in the mirror—and if you don't even like dealing with your damn self how can you blame anyone else.

It didn't stop me from asking about her though. I always ask Jonghyun and Key about her. If she's doing well, finished school, or has a boyfriend—and they always tell me the same thing...

That it's none of my damn business—and they're right.

A while back, I got so desperate for information on her, that I spied on Key while he had been facetiming her about a year and a half ago. She looked beautiful and happy. Her skin practically glowed and her eyes were so bright, and filled with so much love, that it nearly choked the life out of me looking at her. Staring at her on his screen and seeing her look every bit like the Goddess she was made me feel like the walls were closing in around me-like a group of big ass MMA fighters had gathered around me and decided to do the lord's work and beat my ass.

I deserved that pain though, and accepted it. Hell, I embraced that shit.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about because I was too far away—and Key had on headphones—but I longed to hear her voice just one more time. To run my hands over her soft skin and kiss her lips until they were swollen and red. I missed burying my face in the crook of her neck and smelling that special oil she always wore, the one she made herself. That delectable scent that always drove me crazy with lust—Kikah's oil smelled like a hot fudge sundae with extra caramel sauce on a hot summer day, and I had no problem showing her enticing ass just how she made me feel.

Damn, I missed her so much it hurt. It was like a little person drop kicked me in the chest every time I though about her—every time I breathed. It scared the fuck out of me when I realized just how much I still loved her. That I hadn't even remotely gotten over her and that I probably never would. That I would spend the rest of my days pining for the one I was stupid enough to let get away.

I loved that girl with my whole heart—shit I never stopped. Logically, I thought that, with some time, I could just replace Kikah with NaEun, but my heart wasn't having that shit.

Turns out, NaEun could never compare to Kikah.

Hell, me and my dick were in agreement on that. After seeing her on Key's laptop that day—it went on strike. Literally! I couldn't get it up any more no matter how hard I tried, pun intended. And as you could guess, NaEun wasn't happy about that shit.

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