The Promise That It Gives

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Taemin's POV:

The day I had been planning for weeks FINALLY arrived and I was as nervous as a convicted rapist being put with the general population at a maximum-security prison.

I checked the weather for the seventh time today and just like all the other times was greeted with the same outcome, perfect sunny weather. Everything was lining up to be the perfect day. To be sure, I opened the curtain and looked at the sky only to see that there was not a cloud in sight.

Grabbing my keys and phone, I headed out the door to pick up the love of my life for the beach date of a lifetime. In no time at all, I found myself parked outside of Kikah's high-rise trying to calm my nerves enough to get out the damn car.

With shaky hands, I called my parents to get some words of encouragement and all my dad said was don't fuck it up or catch myself on fire. While my mom was a little less harsh and a little more encouraging. She told me that it was about time and that she was proud to call me her son. She didn't say it in those words exactly, but the meaning was all the same to me. Then they both rushed me off the phone and I was once again surrounded by the silence of my SUV, with only my thoughts.

Sighing, I dialed another number for more encouragement and on the second answer he picked up.

"Parked outside of her apartment freaking out, huh?" He laughed. I didn't have to see him to know he was smirking and probably shaking his head at me.

"Yeah. Jonghyun, I really don't want to fuck this." I whispered helplessly.

I wasn't nervous about anything else other than making today as perfect as the weather. Kikah deserved perfection and I have a less than perfect record for fucking things up or losing shit. Neither of those would be an ideal thing to happen today but with me was always a possibility and that's what was bothering me.

"You won't. Taemin you can do this. It's Kikah. She loves you and even if it doesn't go as perfect as you want it to it'll be perfect for her. She knows your heart, hell she owns it, just do your best and that will be enough. I promise you, it'll be enough." Encouraged Jonghyun sagely.

Nodding, I murmured. "Thank you, I think I just needed to hear someone say that."

"You're welcome." He beamed. "Now get your ass in that house! I'll see you guys later on tonight." With that, he hung up on me.

Smiling, I got out the car and headed up to Kikah's apartment. Unconsciously, my hand wandered to the small box tucked neatly in my pocket. The velvety material soothing my frazzled nerves a bit and its solidity reaffirmed that I hadn't lost it to my magic hands.

Nervously, I walked up to the door and after a deep calming sigh, I knocked. Praying to every god, in every religious faction I knew of, that I wouldn't fuck up today.


Kikah's POV:

Since we were just going to the beach, I decided to wear a simple bohemian dress and sandals. We haven't really had a date like this since my birthday and I was looking forward to spending some time with Taemin.

He had been acting sort of weird lately and I had a feeling it had to do with our date. He was planning something but for the life of me I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. The only guess that I had was him doing something similar to when he took me to turtle island for my birthday. At my last appointment he made sure to ask the doctor if it was safe for me to fly or be on a boat and it caught me off guard but also made me wonder where we were going.

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