Chapter 9

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That next day I found myself walking into impending death. I was on my way to a shady alley to meet no other than Mario and Ramirez. In casual conversation! No fights, no meanness. We were just going to talk. At least, that's how Anthony had presented it to me.

Here's how it had happened: after the school day was done, I went to Anthony's dorm for my lessons. We studied and he reviewed all we had learned yesterday for two hours. Then, he asked me out of nowhere,

"I'm meeting Mario and Ramirez in the alleyway near the Emerald. Would you like to come?"

"Alleyway?" I said in surprise. "That doesn't sound in the least bit dangerous!"

"Look, I know that you and the boys didn't get off to the best start, but I swear they'll be good tonight."

"And what about any of the interactions that I've had with them makes me think I'll be safe?"

Anthony bit his lip nervously "Look, can you please do this for me? I got you and your Mother food and the necklace that you wear now. Can you please do this for me? I just want all of us to moderately respect each other. It's hard playing both sides you know." He begged

I twisted the locket tight in my hands. "I thank you greatly for all you gave me, but I just can't go through with this" I explained

"And I'm asking you for just one hour at least that you sit with me and my friends and pretend that everything's okay. If they see you the way I see you, they will know that you are a fine lass and they need to understand that their prejudges are unfounded. But, they will never know unless you talk to them."

I rolled my eyes, picking up my slate and chalk. "I'm sorry, but you're asking too much of me. I'm going home." I paced my way out the door.

"Wait!" Anthony begged grabbing my arm. "Just please. One hour. That's all I ask of you. Agree with whatever they say, nod along, and don't talk too much."

"You realize who you're talking to right?" I challenged. I pushed my arm away from his grip and tried to walk away. Anthony grabbed my arm again before I could even get one inch.

"Anna, please reconsider."

"Let go of my arm!" I growled.

"Not until you agree." He pushed

"This is a kidnapping!" I protested. Anthony tightened his grip around my arm.

"This is not a kidnapping. Just one hour of polite conversation and maybe some cigars and brandy."

I squirmed, seeing if I could maybe run away. There seemed to be no way out.

"Oh fine!" I gave in. "But one word objectifying a woman's brazier or anything concerning such vulgar topics as intercourse and I will be gone."

Anthony released his grip from my arm.

"Yes!" He cheered. "Let's go now!"

Now, I was here. In an alleyway surrounded by people I did not know. I was not a person to bite my tongue. That much I was sure of. When I wanted to say something, I said it. I was now to submit for an hour while Anthony and his friends spoke about rich folk interests and burdens which I could never understand while they smoked big cigars that dangled most unattractively out of their mouths and made a horrible smell. Their interests included things like boats and their rich fathers and how servants are such a bother these days.

All the while I wanted to scream my head off. One thing I was quickly learning was that rich people take all they have for granted. They have no idea what it's like to go to hungry for days on end. The emptiness that follows you around all the time with a pounding headache and restless nights. They don't know what the cold feels like on your skin. They don't know about working till your back breaks. That was not a world they understood, nor lived in.

Signed, Anna MariaWhere stories live. Discover now