Chapter One

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Chapter 1: My  Instagram Crush

The Artist's POV

My favourite task of the day,  I mean every single day when I get any seconds to spare off my Artworks or house chores Is slaving over hot dripping celebrities whom I know will never take notice of my existence not that I am any special from the billions of online humans.

" I keep looking in the mirror

'Til I see myself, I see myself, eh

Hey lover, will you blow my cover?

'Cause I'm not myself, I'm not myself

I wake up in the middle of the night

And I look like a stranger in the bathroom light

I, I keep looking in the mirror 'til I see myself

I'm trying so hard to forget you

When were you last online?

I should pretend I never met you

I'm still so desperate all the time..."

I sang loudly to "Mirror" my favourite song of the week which was loudly booming through my iPods as my newly manicured slender fingers scroll through my Instagram feed.

These bags are crazy, "Dior has mercy, what  Vanity" sent my comment to Christian Dior's bag page where I feed my eyes with luxury bags  I can only dream of. His recent collections are small-sized and square-shaped tote bags with the chain wrapped wound of the hands of the bag, the iconic 'C' shaped symbol dropping elegantly. Liking and scrolling past all the digital classes Ads popping up on my feed as if Nigerian schools are not enough trouble to deal with already.

"Bro do you forex thing must you tech someone" I fired another reply to a bitcoin Instagram account spamming my inbox with cryptocurrency tutorial request messages.

"Oh, wait a sec!" I scrolled back to make sure I saw this right. He is in Africa!? I shouted jumping from the bed almost knocking off the glass containing half-filled orange juice on the bed stool ignoring Anya's glare which I can see through the mirror while she kept fixing her eyebrows wrongly, by the way, she glared at me one more time before she stormed out, her perfume filling the room we both share.

Anya is my elder sister 24 years old, she seniors me with 3 years even though most people think we are twins which I don't get it Anya is curvier while am more light-skinned. One will think we will get along so much because we have always shared a room in this 3 bedroom apartment situated in the military estate right from when we were kids but one shouldn't be too sure. God When will I get my room to myself! I thought before bringing back my attention to my iPhone 8 plus sitting pretty in an Ankara themed aesthetic phone case.

"Oh my gosh! he Is really in Africa. Far Africa but Tanzania is still Africa, all thanks to Instagram location feature and celebrity E-News Pages, sassy so needs to hear this" I whispered to an empty but a typical girlie interior designed room; Pink walls, very bright bed sheets, fluorescent blinking tiny bulbs and quiet several Teddy's lying around.

Sassys blue bold long braids popped up on my phone's screen before the second dial. Her name is Sarah but she with her bubbly personality one will swear she was named Sassy right from birth and fortunately for me Sassy happens to be my only friend.
You can't keep a man if  you desperately pick up your phone calls like this, take your time young lady"
Rolling her eyes, she adjusted her phone on the kitchen cabinet and continued washing plates, trust sassy to always act sassy.

May I remind you that I have broken almost a dozen of guy's heart plus I took advantage of their bank accounts as dating bonus just this quarter of the year "said replied with a smirk.
"Be careful because I would not throw any chance of  blackmailing you  to your mum using this call, I might be screen recording "

Tequila: Seducing My Celebrity Crush(Nigerian & Spanish-Italian Romance Novel)  Where stories live. Discover now