Chapter Twelve

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Tequila Chapter Twelve: Amnesia Maybe Alzheimer's disease.

The Artist's POV

Hooded beautiful but worried looking grey eyes were staring right back at me, Uh oh, my head hurt and whoo, I immediately closed my eyes why is there too much bright light, Mr.grey eyes must be a beautiful angel.

"Call the Doctor she is awake now," said my angel in a ridiculous delicious voice that for a moment seems to make me forget about the throbbing ache I am feeling right now.


"My eyes snapped, wasn't I supposed to be wrapped in my Angel's arms," I said desperately getting all frantic.

Someone gave a loud snort somewhere in the room but I was too confused to even care, my memory feels so blurry. Can't remember a thing apart from being in my angel's arm!

'Where am I?" I asked getting scared seeing all the wires and tubes attached to my face and body; left hands and limp body on the bed, why am I in a hospital?! It finally sunk in.

My angel stood up and gently hold my hands and made me lie back on the bed while he tried to check the temperature of my forehead with the palm of his beautiful warm large arms.

"Oh thank goodness, your temperature is getting back to normal," he said without answering any of my questions while he motioned to an elderly bald man wearing a white lab coat, obviously the Doctor, when did he get in, I thought.

"Why is no one talking to me, what happened?"

"Relax Bunny"


" Panda, how are you feeling? " said the man in a not so enthusiastic voice.
"Good," I said curt, he should just give the drug prescriptions and let me go already.

"Can you remember what happened"

"Well, We were at the beach and I..." I looked at my angel who was standing by arms folded and looking all too serious and to the other Latino looking man having the most calculating look on his face.

"Nothing, I just remember the beach party Doctor" my headache skydiving because of the pressure I put on it trying to figure out why I can't remember some things like my Angel's name.

"Try and think a little bit harder, do you remember instances where you forget anything? "

"Doctor, are you asking me to try and remember if I don't remember anything "

I let out a laugh even the Bald Doctor and Stern looking Latino man Chuckled and the tension in the room seem to ease.

"Wait... I remember being in his arms" I said glancing at my angel standing towards the door whose shoulder slouched.

"Hmmm I see," The Doctor said arranging his big squared glasses before writing something down on his pad.

"If memory problems are seriously affecting your daily life, they could be early signs of amnesia which can also be an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease. While the number of symptoms you have and how intense they are varied it's important we identify the early signs. You need to answer some of these questions if you feel strong enough to" I gave a go-ahead nod.

"Do you have trouble planning and problem-solving?"

"I am no good at maths, I don't like school and never really did well in school," I said bluntly

"Do you have recent or long term memory loss?"

Taking in a deep breath"There are circumstances that I feel happened or it's about to happen. I can't differentiate them and later on, I have to miss some details like I can't remember seeing you coming in, it's all just too much to take it in" The Doctor kept writing vigorously before asking

"lapse in judgment, social withdrawal, vision blurred or anything similar to this?

Never felt this scared in my entire life " Dr. please don't tell me, I have cancer or am I getting mad, why do I always have to be the stupid dumb one, why me?!" I shouted getting all emotional but mostly scared.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay bunny" My Angel came and sat on the bed and rocked me till my hands stopped shaking which I didn't realise was shaking till it stopped.

"Calm down Miss. You are still undergoing test and diagnosis you are very safe at the moment, I needed to ask these questions because there's no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but medications, sensory therapy and more can help its symptoms. And to get the full benefit of the treatments, early diagnosis is important"

"Okay Doctor, thank you for your help" Even though I don't know a thing about what he said and I don't care because I am not going crazy, just a mild headache and body ache, it will soon go.

"What do we need to do?" My angel asked. Such a caring man, I smiled inwardly.

"It's nothing young man that's what we do, we have collected enough sample for the rest of the test but a nurse will come in and help her to the scanning room. There is no cause for alarm Miss. In fact after this test and taking some of the drugs on your prescription you are free to go before we call in and let you know when the test results are ready. Will advise you to continue your normal life just avoid triggers and alcohol for now" he smiled, gently tapped my shoulder then My Angle's before he left with the rather too quiet but angry-looking Latino man following him behind.

Didn't have enough time to process things in when A nurse came in, shortly. Giving us some precautions and meds to help ease the random headaches She cautioned me not to drink and gave me a therapists card just in case I remember anything at all that I want to share with someone. That made me a little confused because I don't even know I abnormally forgot things not until now. Now I have to sit down and think through my life. I let out a long sigh before leaving the too silent Angel's arms for the restroom.

* * *

"You are so lucky, that your Latino boyfriend loves you. He was crazier than some men who brought in their wives for child delivery, you better hold him well"

The Chatterbox and over-friendly plumpy Nurse Amaka was too busy ranting to even notice the confused look on my face. Did I lose the memory of my boyfriend? I was quiet while the nurse helped me get to the test centres before going to the Hospital Cafeteria to get some food and water saying it was all taken care of. Took notice of how organised and neat the Hospital is in contrast to the busy Government Hospital I am used to while she wheeled me back to the room. Being wheeled feels good but wired.

"See this VIP room he got you, you were asleep to enjoy the sunset but you should before you get discharged tomorrow. Relax, You have nothing to worry about Zuri" she finally said before leaving me alone on the bed.

I looked around the Private ward, actually looking at it apart from the tubes, machines and bed it can easily pass out as a hotel room. The elephant whimsical on the wall facing me was so aesthetically cute. The Artist did a good job weaving the different piece of Ankara fabrics on the canvass to bring out the elephant pattern.

My stomach growled reminding me of the already Cold fried yam and eggs waiting for me. The headache has reduced to just a numb feeling, took the tray and kept it on my laps eating while wandering if this memory loss issue could change everything or anything in life. By the way

"Why am I all alone?"

"Should I call Daddy or Timi first? "

"Where is my phone?"

"Why is it a man's big nice smelling hoodie the only things I found in the patient's items box" I check underneath the light blue hospital's gown to meet my stark naked body. What the hell!

"Where are my clothes?"

"Does that mean that my contract is Over?"

Contract! Of course, a sharp pain shot through my head that made me drop the fork I was using. Memories kept flooding my brain, it was cursing me pains but at least everything became a bit more clear, the medicine must be kicking in.

The last thing I now remember is taking tequila shots with my boss; Dante but that kiss?

Was it part of my wild fantasy or a tequila filled night reality? Only one way to find out!

Tequila: Seducing My Celebrity Crush(Nigerian & Spanish-Italian Romance Novel)  Where stories live. Discover now