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shane's pov

my mother made sure all my clothes were ironed for the 'date' i was about to go on. my parents decided i wasn't going to take matters into my own hands, and arranged a date for gabbie and i. apparently, we were going to go down to the market and have a nice time. i sighed, putting on the outfit and walking downstairs.

i waved off to my parents, and got into my car. little did they know, i wasn't going to go get gabbie and take her to the market. no, i was going to go see ryland today for our planned day around the nice side of the south. which by nice, as he said, wasn't that nice but still better than nothing at all.

i drove past gabbie's street and kept going until i finally reached ryland's house. he was sitting out there with, of course, a cigarette in between his finger, twirling it around. i saw how he smiled when he saw my car pull up in his driveway, and i walked out of it. i sat down next to him on the steps and he looked over at me. 

"you never told me how bad gabbie was? i mean, you won't even go out on a date with her..." ryland said, putting the cigarette in between his lips. 

"you can't go on a date with someone you don't even like, ryland." i explained, as he raised his eyebrows at me. "my parents are making us get an arranged marriage, and...it sucks."

"then just run away. leave the town, what have you got to lose?" ryland asked as he then tilted his head towards me. "the money?"

"you know i'm not like that. it's just...as much as i don't like my parents decisions and actions....they're still my parents." i said, and ryland just shrugged. 

i smiled at him, as i then grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and threw it on the ground. i jumped off the steps and crushed it with my foot. ryland narrowed his eyes at me, and i gave his a wide smile before grabbing his hands and pulling them towards my car. he then laughed, detaching himself and grabbed something from under the steps.


"in the south side, rich boy....boys around here go around on skateboards." he said, rolling the skateboard over to me. "not sports cars."

"i have a tiny confession...." i murmured as ryland looked up at me with wonder. "i don't.....i don't know how to ride a skateboard." 

"oh i knew that, i'm going to teach before we go anywhere, rich boy." he laughed, as he pulled me towards the street and rode down the street as an example.

when i tried, i tripped off the skateboard. ryland shook his head and spent the next hour trying to teach me how to skate. he held my waist and i blushed for a second and he then let me go so i could start to go down the street. i rode down perfectly, using my right foot to pedal faster. i heard ryland clap in the background and i stopped at the end of the street.

ryland rode down the street and kept going, making me catch up with him. he laughed as he continued to skate down the streets and we got closer to the market plazas. he then skated a little closer to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together. i looked up at him, and he had a smile on his face as i blushed a bit. 

"we're here, welcome to the center of the south." ryland said, raising his hand up in the air as he got off the skateboard. 

i got off mine too, and examined the cute area to shop around. sure, it wasn't like the one in the north with all the elegant things around but it was enough for me to smile. ryland took both skateboards to locker holders and i paid for our spot. we walked around and countless people were shopping and having a fun time with family or themselves. 

we then walked into a several small shops and the owners were surprised to see me around this side. i mingled with pretty much everyone as they were glad i came around. ryland then grabbed my hand again and pulled me towards the field that was behind all the small stores. they had soccer goals, rusted up basketball hoops,and  a dirty tennis court.

yet, it still looked beautiful.

we ran towards the soccer field and they were just starting a new game. we entered in and the team i was on was excited to have me join them. we all took our positions and one of the guys blew a whistle and we started the game. the game period was only seven minutes so we had to go quick.

no one had scored yet, and it had became the last minute to the game. there was a guy that had the ball and was running towards our goal, but when i kicked the ball over from his reach, it had then became in my possession. i ran quickly through the crowd of the other team and kicked the ball straight past the goalie and hit the back of the net. 

the whistle then went off to end the game and my team came to congratulate me. once i hugged them all, ryland and i headed back towards the other several shops that were on the other side. we shopped a little bit, grabbing little things that could help decorate his house. once we were done, we got back our skateboards and skated back home to leave the bags there. 

"you know, i've noticed you got those innocent white shoes dirty..." ryland smirked, as i looked down and just shrugged with a small smile. 

"i really don't care. they're just shoes." i said, as ryland just smiled in delight.

"how about we go to the park down the street. it's not much but at least there is a swing set there.." ryland offered, as i nodded quickly. 

we left the skateboards under the steps and walked down to the park. it was starting to get a bit dark, but we didn't really care. once the park came into view, ryland ran towards it and laid his belly on the swing and swung back and forth as if he was flying or something. i laughed as he then got off and sat on it normally. 

we swung back and forth, going faster and higher as we went. ryland then leaned his body back and swung his legs up. he giggled, as he was seeing the world 'upside down'. we swung and swung and finally we were going higher than normal. ryland then looked over at me and smiled widely, as i raised my eyebrow.

"let's jump off." he blurted out as i just looked at him as if he was crazy.

"we're literally going to die if we do that."

"oh, shut up chicken. have some fun!"

i shook my head as we then counted together to three. once we hit three, we both jumped off and we flew in the air for second before we crashed down on the ground together. we groaned and laughed at the same time and i rolled over on top of him. 

his smile was still on his face as mine was too and we calm down as we continued to look at each other. i almost leaned down until my phone rang.  i sighed, falling back onto the ground. ryland turned to his side to look at me as i answered the phone.

"hello?" i asked, not really caring who it was. 

"i've been waiting for you to call me! i shouldn't be the one calling you! you stood me up, shane! i'm your future wife, and you're treating me with such disres-" was all i heard until i ended the call.

"hm, looks like someone isn't in the mood for his future wife." ryland joked as i just slightly pushed him and smiled.

"but you know what i am in the mood for?" i said, as ryland hummed out. "this."

i grabbed the side of his face gently and pushed him down on the ground. he smiled at me before i leaned down and lightly placed my lips onto his. he ran his down up my sides and then up around my neck. he then slightly pushed me off and sat me down, then continuing to kiss me as he straddled me.

yes, it was early for us to be kissing...

we barely knew each other...

but we knew we loved each other.

and that's all that mattered. 


i popped a bone out of socket and now have to wear a boot....

lucky me :)

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