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ryland's pov

i knew he didn't love her.

yet, i was still angry.

he kissed her, hugged her, did practically everything a good boyfriend would and should do.

but i held it in, not wanting to just out shane just like that.


"you're so cute, i love you." gabbie giggled, pinching shane's cheek slightly as i stood afar from them with joey and garrett as they were laughing and talking behind me.

we were in a cute little clothing shop, more vintage than anything. gabbie dragged shane around, making him sit out by the fitting room to see how "beautiful" she looked. don't get me wrong, she's great, but not as great as me.

i mean, was shane in her bed last night? i think not.

i leaned up against the glass wall, bored out of my mind, but uncomfortable due to all the nice things around me. on my side of town, you just go down to a goodwill and there are still good enough clothing there. sure, it wasn't the best, but hey, clothes are clothes.

"you alright?" i looked up to see joey leaned up against the wall with me, as he had concern written all over him.

"yeah, i'm fine joey. just, it's weird being in here." i said, looking up at the pearling white ceiling that had a nice reflection to it.

"or is the fact that shane is more with gabbie tonight?" he laughed, crossing his arms over his stomach. "you know he likes you a lot, you really don't even need to worry."

"and i'm not." i sassed, as joey just put his hands up with a smile and backed up a step with then putting his hands behind his back.

"whatever you say, ryland."

"i'm gonna go smoke."

i pushed through the door, yanking out the papered nicotine out of my button up pocket along with a lighter. my lips reacted to open, and hold the cigarette in between my lips as my hands switched the lighter to lite it.

as i took my first breath, my body already knew the taste that came with it. my bones relaxed, head cleared, and eyes dazed. i found a moment to turn and look into the shop and saw shane holding gabbie from behind as she looked at herself in the mirror. his smile real, and hers too.

what a mess.

i walked away from the shop, the farther i got from them the better. my feet already knew their way home, as my head was surely not in the mood think. my eyes landed onto shane's home with my hands throwing the burnt out cigarette onto their land. i smiled, knowing well that shane's parents would flip but who cares.

i arrived home, and my parents were no where to be found but that was the least of worries. i climbed onto the counter, as i was too short to reach the top cabinet, and gripped onto the cheap wine. i jumped off, and hopped onto the couch with another cigarette lighted up and the bottle on my lips.

my mind seemed to wonder off about gabbie.

her tight dress that hugged her hips.

perfectly curled hair.

beautiful makeup and perfume that could drag any boy to follow.

what did she have that i didn't?

oh yeah, money.

good looks.

and well lower regions too.

what kind of rich boy would want me?


suddenly, there was a small knock at my door. i didn't answer, but they still continued to knock on the door. i groaned, standing up with the cigarette in between my fingers as i twisted the door knob open.

and there stood my rich boy.


"what do you want?"

"okay, wow attitude much..."

i rolled my eyes, mocking his words as i put the cigarette back in my mouth. shane scoffed, walking into my house and closing the door behind him. i leaned back against the couch, but shane took the cigarette out my mouth and crush it in the ashtray. he then sat down next to me, and locked eyes with mine, knowing he'd get answers out me.

"what's wrong? you've been off today." he asked, as if he didn't know already but he did.

"oh shut up, shane. just go back to your stupid little rich girlfriend. she's much better than me anyways, and she has more money and she can actually - "

"okay, how about you shut the fuck up." shane sassed, putting his hand over my mouth and then gripped my hair back slightly. "and don't talk to me like that. actually, you know, i will go back to her since you're being so fucking rude."

shane removed his hands off me, and got up off the couch with growl escaping his pink lips. he was about to walk out the door, but i slammed in back shut. i turned him around quickly, pushing him up against the door, and colliding my lips with his. his hands tightly gripped onto my butt, as he lifted me up and set me down on the kitchen counter.

my hands wrapped their way around his neck as our lips were attached to one another. our tongues touched, bodies hot, and our lips escaping small little moans. shane pulled away first, as our heads rested against one another, and his hands were firmly still on my butt.

"you jealous little boy."

"break it off with her before i break her neck. i don't give a fuck about what your parents would do, just do it."

"mhm, whatever pleases you."

"you know what else would please me?"

"what would that be, precious?"

my lips pressed against his ear and i seductively whispered,

"bedroom, daddy."



bye now.

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