Chapter 2 : The Hatred Towards Linxx

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Note : Statements enclosed within '#' like '# statement #' are system messages or similar type of messages 

Proofread by Max Lambon

Everything blacked out. It was darker than dark. If someone had dropped a pin, the sound that would have being heard would be clearer than a good singer’s acoustic voice. For almost 10 seconds, there was complete darkness. Then a dim light appeared in front of him. The dim light started getting brighter gradually. The process continued until it was no longer dark. And from nowhere, suddenly there were 4 avatars in front of him. Then, he heard the charming, young voice of a lady.

“Mr. Worm, please choose your avatar.”

All the avatars had faces resembling his real appearance. There was an elf, a human, a dwarf, a beast. The dwarf had a long beard that looked funny on Worm’s face.


“Would you like to change your appearance?”


“How would you like to be dressed? Keep in mind that you cannot begin with expensive clothing. Your imagination would be used for creating the clothes.”

“Umm… normal human clothing from the 1800′s with pants, not one piece. And a hood jacket. Can that be done?”

“Yes. Where would you like to start? There are 511 places where you can start..”

“Nahur city, Kura kingdom.”

“It is advised that you hunt weak monsters in the vicinity of the city at start. Grow stronger before heading out. Enjoy your adventure.”

Worm was suddenly standing in the city square. There were people everywhere around him. In the square itself, there were probably more than 7000 people that were not in any shop, pub, residence or alliance building. The number did not shock him that much. He quickly did the math. 50.3 million people in 511 cities. 98500k people per city on average. And in his opinion, Nahur city should have the largest number of starters due to being in the centre of all the other cities and kingdoms.

‘And they say Mumbai is crowded!’

He could have sworn that more than a thousand people looked at him when he dropped into the middle of the square out of nowhere. But they quickly looked away. He guessed that being the last starter, people were thinking he was nothing. Then suddenly 2 middle aged guys came running towards him. The taller one spoke.

“Hey kid, you just entered The Sphere? You know that you are probably the last guy to enter out of 50 million right? It will be hard for you to catch up to the general mid level users. Do you want some help?”

Worm was confused and this was clearly shown on his face.


“Ohh you are probably wondering why we would help you for free. Let me explain. Nothing in this world is free. We will help you hunt low level monsters to make you comfortable enough to do low level quests and I am guessing that you would probably earn 1 gold in a week’s time.”

Worm acted as if he knew nothing.


“Ohh right, you just entered The Sphere. But haven’t you played these types of games before on your computer? Anyway, The Sphere is a world like any other world so obviously money is also there for everything. You should have 20 coppers, a dagger, a wooden piece, 20 brown breads.”

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