Chapter 7 : The Four Friends

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Note : Statements enclosed within '#' like '# statement #' are system messages or similar type of messages 

Proodread by Max Lambon

Sneha didn’t attend the lectures after the break. She told Rupesh that she was going home because she wasn’t feeling well. She didn’t want to lie to Rupesh but things had changed between them.

In high school, Rupesh was chasing her for 14 months before she accepted him as his boyfriend. He was continuously flirting with her and trying to get her attention. Sometimes, so much that it became irritating for her.

Even though most of the time she liked the constant attention that she was getting from Rupesh, she always feigned disinterest. But Rupesh didn’t back down, He got her number and texted her at least 50 times a day even though she would hardly replied to 5 of them.

Many guys had tried to hit on her and they had all given up after she showed some attitude, but not Rupesh. He was sweet, always made her laugh and he was there for her every time even when she didn’t acknowledge his presence most of the time.

They were in a different school but they had met in the park near their home. A friend of hers had introduced them.

Rupesh had asked for her phone number on the first day but she didn’t give it to him. Thereafter, whenever she came to the park, she would find Rupesh sitting there. There were only few days when he didn’t come but he wasn’t in town on those days. Sneha had missed him on these days. She didn’t know why she was missing him but the constant nitpicking of his was something that she had not just became used too, but also cherished unconsciously.

The next time Rupesh came back and told her that he missed her while he was away and that he wouldn’t have if he had her phone number. They would have remained in contact by phone at least had she given him her number.

Sneha gave him her number and there after, they had grown close. Then one day, she had seen Rupesh talking and laughing with some other girl who was from his school. Somehow, Sneha became jealous of that other girl even though she knew that Rupesh cared for her much more than any other girl.

But the uneasiness didn’t fade away. She started thinking of the times when he is away from her. Rupesh is a handsome guy and many girls hit on him. Her envy outgrew her wit.

The next time Rupesh asked her to become his girlfriend, she accepted. They were happy with each other. But after 3-4 months, Rupesh started acting strangely.

Now, it was Sneha who was sending him 50 texts a day and she was only receiving replies to around 10 of them. Slowly, she was being taken for granted by Rupesh.

She didn’t want to lose him and hence asked Rupesh to join the same college as hers. Rupesh didn’t want to but under her constant pressure by reminding him of those fourteen months, he joined. She swore that she would win him back by being close to him but then on the first day of college, something happened.

They were sitting in the class, talking to each other when a slim boy entered and stood still in the doorway. Frozen by the sight of the person who had his hand in her hand.

’Is he afraid of Rupesh? Why?’

She got to know the reason soon. She was used to getting glances from boys because of her good body and beautiful looks. The boy looked at her in the same way but that didn’t last even for a millisecond it seemed. The boy was more afraid of Rupesh than being aware of the beauty sitting beside Rupesh..

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