Chapter 1.

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Sometimes, you daydreamed about your ex-husband. Not all the time, but times like today, you did.

You remembered when you were dating him, when he would take you to the beach with him. He'd be doing research for his college classes, while you'd be collecting seashells for him. He kept them in a jar on his desk, and when things were rough between the two of you, he'd take them out and examine them one by one, and you'd sometimes see a small smile form on his face as he looked at them.

You remembered sleeping next to him, how you waited until he was asleep to take his hat off. It was one of the only times you got the chance to see his gorgeous face in all it's entirety, and you cherished those nights so deeply. You remembered how he'd wake up and be confused when his hat wasn't there, and even though you told him you didn't know what happened, he knew that you were the one taking it off every night, and he didn't mind.

You remembered when he'd go on business trips, having to study oceans all across the world, but he still called you every night when he was done working. He didn't talk much, but you could feel how much he loved you, even through a phone. You remembered making terrible jokes, yet he still laughed, which was something he rarely did. You remembered how he held you tight while you were sad, and stood proudly at your side when you were insecure. You remembered his voice, how often he said he loved you, how little you ever argued.

So, what changed?

You asked yourself that for a long time, until eventually you tried pushing him out of your mind. You tried forgetting his beautiful dark hair, or his muscular figure, or his aquamarine eyes that often took your breath away. But even after ten years, you couldn't let go of him.

You couldn't go to the beach anymore, because it reminded you too much of him. He took the jar of seashells with him when he left, but you still stopped collecting them. You often looked at his side of the bed, remembering what it was like to be just inches away from him. Now, you didn't even know how far away he was.

The only thing that you still shared with him was your daughter, Jolyne, but he hadn't seen her since she was a baby. When she was just a few months old, you had gotten divorced, and that was the last time he seen her. He still called to talk to her on holidays, but he never visited. Honestly, a part of you was glad that he didn't, because you didn't want to look like an idiot for still being madly in love with him. It hurt to think about the possibility of him being with another woman, because even after ten years, you hadn't been with another man.

For Jolyne's entire life, you raised her as a single mother. The Speedwagon Foundation often sent you money to help with raising her (you wondered if Jotaro knew anything about it, he probably didn't) and you worked from home full-time. You adored your little girl, she looked so much like her father. She had the same attitude as him, she talked more than he did but she never had a problem with outsmarting the people around her. As far as you knew, she didn't have a stand, and if she did, she didn't tell you. You didn't have one, so you could never see your ex-husbands, and you wouldn't be able to see hers.

On days like today, you'd be at home, doing work on your computer, when your thoughts start to drift to the day you met your ex-husband. You could remember it like it was yesterday:

You were sixteen years old. Your parents were very easy going and they loved traveling, so naturally, you did too. When you were younger, you'd go on family trips, but as you got older they allowed you to travel on your own. When you became a teenager, they started asking where you wanted to travel for summer vacation. They'd buy you a plane ticket, book you a hotel, and hire a tour guide for you.

When you were 13, you went to Greece. When you were 14, you went to Spain. When you were 15, you went to Germany. But then, at 16, you wanted something completely different.

"I want to go to Egypt this year." You told your parents, who only smiled and nodded at your choice. They never tried changing your mind, they completely trusted you, and soon enough they were booking your flight.

When summer came, you kissed your parents goodbye and got on a plane to Cairo. Once you made it to the airport, you looked around for your tour guide. You rolled your suitcase outside, your eyes searching the crowded streets for someone holding up a sign with your name on it.

"Hello, are you (Y/N)?" A deep voice asked. You turned around, coming face to face with a tall man, his caramel complexion and head full of Bantu knots looked beautiful in the Egyptian sun and you had to stop yourself from smiling at him too hard.

"Yes! Are you my tour guide?" You asked, setting your luggage down in front of you.

"I am! My name is Mohammed Avdol." He reached his hand forward, taking yours in a firm yet friendly handshake. You waited for him to motion for you to follow him, but he didn't. You looked down, noticing that he had set down a suitcase as well.

"Why do you have a suitcase? Aren't we staying here?" You looked around at the beautiful city, not wanting to leave just yet.

"We'll come back soon, but I have somewhere that I'd like to take you, first."

He took out two plane tickets, handing one to you before bending down to pick up his bag. You looked at the ticket, seeing that it was for Japan.

"I don't understand, why did you agree to be my tour guide if you're taking me to another country?" You picked up your luggage and followed him into the airport anyway.

"I'm very sorry, I agreed to be your tour guide before I found out that I had to go to Japan, if that compensates for anything. I promise this will be more exciting than just a little sightseeing in Egypt, and I will definitely show you around when we get back." He looked back, smiling at you.

But he was right, that trip was the best thing that ever happened to you. If only you had known that then...

Your thoughts of the past were interrupted when you heard your cell phone ring from the living room. You set your laptop down and hurried across the house before the call went to voicemail. When you picked up your phone, a subtle panic took over you. It was Jolyne's school, they usually only called if she was in trouble.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hi! Is this (Y/N)?" A woman asked, probably one of the school's secretaries.

"Yes it is, may I help you?"

"Yes ma'am, a man just came in to pick your daughter up from school early. I haven't seen him here before, so I had to call to make sure it was okay for him to take her." She said.

That was strange, none of your friends or family had talked about picking her up. "Uh, what's his name?"

The secretary asked for his name, you heard a low voice in the background. It sounded familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it... until she spoke to you again.

"Ma'am, his name is Jotaro Kujo."

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