Chapter 3.

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Early the next morning, as you were finishing breakfast, you heard your phone vibrate from beside you. You expected it to be something relating to work, or maybe a family member trying to get ahold of you, but it wasn't.

"It's Jotaro. What time should I bring Jolyne home?"

You stared down at the text message, unsure of how to respond. Jolyne must've given him your number, he couldn't have remembered it after all these years. Should you act nice, or act indifferent? It was hard choosing what to say, since you didn't even know how he felt about you. You typed out a simple reply, curious as to what he'd say back:

"Whenever you want, I'll be home all day."

You set your phone on the kitchen counter, waiting for his response. You hoped that you didn't sound irritated, but knowing Jotaro, he'd rather deal with someone being mean than being too nice. You weren't expecting to hear from him at all today, anyway. You assumed he'd just bring her home when he felt like it. You were nervous to even be texting him, but you guessed it was better than a phone call. You seen the 'typing' bubbles pop up on your messages, then his text went through.

"I'll bring her there in an hour. Also, I'd like to talk to you."

In an hour? It was still very early in the morning. You didn't say anything, and instead started walking into your room to change out of your pajamas. You realized how ridiculous you had been for wearing makeup and dressing 'fancy' in hopes of impressing Jotaro, so you decided to just act normal today. You slipped on a pair of leggings, as well as a tank top and a jacket before walking into the bathroom to comb your hair and brush your teeth.

You stared at your bare face in the mirror for a long time, finally deciding to let him see the natural you. You hardly ever wore makeup when you were married, you still rarely wore it, and you didn't want to be unauthentic just to impress a guy (even if you were madly in love with him). Instead, you slid on some lip balm and ran some serum through your hair, stepping out of the bathroom once you felt refreshed.

The hour went by at an antagonizing pace, you had never felt like time had gone by so slowly until now. You stared out of the window, feeling your heart leap when a car pulled into your driveway. You moved away from the window so they wouldn't see you, then listened as two car doors shut and footsteps began walking up the sidewalk. After a few more seconds, the doorbell rang.

It took everything in you to walk to the door, your legs were wobbling with each step you took. You held your breath as you reached for the door handle, almost not wanting to see what was on the other side. What if he thought you were ugly? What if he was remarried and she was far more beautiful than you? You forced yourself to stop thinking so negatively, and after a few more seconds went by, you finally pulled the door open. The first thing you saw was Jolyne, and as your eyes drifted up, there he was.

Jotaro looked the same as he did when you met him, if not more handsome, but there were some differences to him. His black school uniform that you had grown used to seeing him in was replaced with a white coat and hat, but his usual emblem of a hand remained on his outfit. Underneath his coat was a black sweater, which you didn't understand because it was extremely hot outside, and he kept his earrings in after all these years. The one difference that you noticed about his face was the faintest lines forming around his eyes, they hadn't become wrinkles yet, but there were no other signs of aging. You could tell he was a little older, a little wiser, but he was still your Jotaro.

"Hello." He finally said, snapping you out of your admiration. He gave you a polite smile, not much emotion behind it, which was normal for him.

"Hi," You said to him, looking down at Jolyne. Her long hair was kept down and she still had her pajamas on, she probably woke up not long before she had to be brought home. "How was your sleepover, honey?" You asked her, and she quickly looked up to give you a wide smile.

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