Chapter 6. (Lemon)

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You should've drank more champagne.

You knew alcohol wasn't the answer to everything, but when it involved sleeping with your ex husband for the first time in ten years, you needed something to calm you down. You could hardly admit to anyone, yourself included, that it had been so long since you had even sat this close to a man. Sure, you'd get the occasional compliment or catch someone looking at you from across the room, but the thought of dating anyone left your mind as quickly as it entered. It always did, because you didn't want to get hurt again.

You always told everyone that you didn't want a boyfriend because you were too busy being a mom. It was true, but only partly. The whole truth was that you didn't want to fall in love with someone, get your heart broken, and have to pick up the pieces all over again. It took a long time to heal from your divorce from Jotaro, and you never wanted to feel that pain of someone you loved leaving ever again. It scared you too much to even consider being in a relationship.

But what scared you even more was the fact that Jotaro was next to you, just inches away, and you wanted him more than anything.

One of his arms was on the back of the couch, while the other draped lazily over your thighs. You could feel the electricity in every place that he touched and it only added to your nervousness. You thought about the old you, the one that used to pounce on Jotaro as soon as you were alone together, but that girl was just a memory now. You could only hope that she would appear tonight and give you some pointers.

Jotaro's eyes were glazed over with lust as he looked at you from under the brim of his hat. It was a look you hadn't seen in awhile, and it made you notice the throbbing that you could suddenly feel between your legs. You were horny and nervous and excited all at the same time, and the mix of emotions only made you feel even more stuck in place. You stared up at him with wide eyes, unsure of whether or not to make a move.

As if he could read your mind, you felt the hand on your thigh snake up to your waist and pull you closer to him. He licked his lips for a second, a smirk coming to his lips when he noticed you staring. "You've always had a smart mouth. You know that?"

All you could do was nod. You felt him pull you even closer until you were pressed against him, your breasts practically spilling out from the top of your dress from your new position. You felt his eyes drift lower, but only for a moment before they were back on your face.

"Tell me what you want," he tilted his head lower until you were eye level with him, the teal in his eyes looking a little darker than before. You struggled to find your voice, but you were somehow able to whisper,


"Hm?" He cocked an eyebrow, enjoying how he was teasing you.

"I want you, Jotaro."

One of his hands reached up to push your hair away from your face, the sudden exposure making your face heat up more than it already was.

"Was this your plan all along?" His eyes glazed over your figure again, staying there a little longer this time. "To come in here looking so good, that I'd have no choice but to fuck you?"

"Fuck, Jotaro," you groaned, pushing your thighs together to give yourself some sort of friction between your legs.

The hand that was still in your hair had moved to your cheek, and you allowed yourself to lean into his touch. His calloused hands were rough against your skin, but it was a feeling you had missed. His long, dark lashes closed over his eyes as he leaned in and gave you a soft kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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