The White Rabbit Leaves

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I have nowhere to go now. My clan shun me. My family wouldn't even look at me. It is as if I had betrayed them all. Weakness leads to death. But what is weakness to them. Is showing mercy weakness? Is being kind weakness? Is saving a life, a human life, wrong?
As I looked at the moon, I seem to relate to it. Never whole. Always shattered in the darkness of the night. Never to reconnect again. I have shamed my clan.I have shamed myself. Tell me. What should I do?
I am a faunus. A rabbit faunus. Not those common ones that has rabbit ears. I'm one of those with the tail. It's easier to blend in the crowd. But i will always be a target if they knew of my rabbit tail. Especially if the prey is the Bobcat Clan.
My clan will not help me if I run into trouble. For them, it would be best if I were to die with no mercy.
I would agree with them...
But I must live. I will find a purpose out there in the world. My clan won't accept me. Humans will discriminate me. Bandits would most likely kill me. But as the White Rabbit Creed goes, 'survival is all. And what comes with it is knowledge. Knowledge is strength. And what comes with it is power. I am strong. And I am wise. If an enemy arise, I shall strike.'

"Huntsmen?" I've heard of them. But not much of it. Are they like some kind of heros?
"Yeah. Like someone with your skills, you can make it into Haven Academy."
Great. Suppose I attracted too much attention this time. The village suffered a Grimm attack. They manage to pull together but without the defenses they needed, it put them in a disadvantage. I came along and helped them out. Took about a week to cool things down. Taking down Grimm is easy... avoiding attention? Not so much.
" that in Mistral...correct?"
"Yeah. Why you asked." He could tell it's a strange question for a citizen living in the continent.
"Well. I just wondered if it's not the only the whole world."
"Hmmm...I see." He thought for a moment. Making him tense. "You could head West. To Vale. They have an academy called Beacon. But it's going under some Grimm problems. Further to the west is Vacuo. And up north is Atlas. They both have academies as well."
" think I have the skill set to become a Huntsman?"
"Who can't deny it! You helped saved these people. Even if there wasn't a shot for us. You gave these people hope. And because of you, we have hope once again."
I was speechless. I didn't know how to respond to that. I thought kindness was a weakness. And no matter where I go, I'll end up being a nuisance.
"You don't need to say anything. Your kindness says it all."
In all my life. I have never felt so happy. Appreciated. And. Honoured.
"Well. I suppose I'm off heading West. Thank you."
"Wait!" He stopped. "Where are my manners. I haven't even asked you your name."
Crap!! I haven't thought this through! I can't give him my real name. It won't end well if I tell him. Or anyone for that matter. Come on think. Think.
"It's ah~, Lee."
"Hahahaha. Well Lee, if you need any upgrades or weapon trade. You have my number."
"Thank you."

Goodbye, Mistral. Goodbye, White Rabbit Clan…goodbye...father. I feel a pain in my heart. This place was my home. I grew up in such a beautiful place. But staying here will only result in me being dead. The first steps are always the hardest as some will say. As a rabbit faunus, what chances will I have in this world? Not much. So as long as I hide what I am, the bobcats won't kill me where I stand. That'll give me some pointers. But how will I explain the white hair? In this world, they will think that I'm some punk kid causing some trouble. People are so quick to judge. He sighs. Might as well wing it.

Leaving Mistral was the hardest in Lee’s life. As a former member of his clan, honor is beyond him. And no one will hear his words amongst his own kine. The White Rabbits are all about honor and strength. Skill and patience. Kill or be killed. They follow a strict code given to them when they were young. A code that's been passed down through generation after generation. You might be thinking they would follow under the white fang. Defending the faunus. Unfortunately, it isn't so for the clan. They have a strict legacy in the clan. And that is their tail. They protect their own. And only their own. They don't much care for the other faunus. If you don't have the tail of the white rabbit, death is most likely curtain. There are also other similar traits from the clan, but it's a mystery. And so is their rival enemy. The Bobcat Clan. They are both similar in mindsets. Caring only for their own kind and following their own code. And of course, their unique trait. Their tails. The two clans don't care what's happening in the world. They only care about survival. It's as if they're in a different world.

For Lee, leaving that kind of world brings him sadness and pain. He could only think about himself now and how he will survive in this unfamiliar world. But it's like what he said. He just have to wing it.

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