4: Explanations and Tests

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I'm now adding the chapter number to the title! This chapter's called 'Explanations and Tests', otherwise known as 'Kirstenonic cannot name chapters. At all.'. 😅

Len and Rin stared, mouth agape at the skeleton and his huge paintbrush.

"U-um... I can explain!"

"You better!" Rin nagged as Ink moved his gaze to the floor.

"I couldn't help it!" Ink shouted. "It's just, that... Well, I heard a tune my mum used to hum to me, so I ran over here and... This is where it was coming from! And I found these..." Ink pointed at his new items. "...In the cave too. I'm sorry, I was just curious! I should've told you guys!" Ink finished.

The Kagamines glanced at each, then proceeded to hug Ink.

"Ink, it's fine!" They reassured him in unison.

"Thanks guys." Ink replied.

"We'd better get home now. I think all of us have projects to finish. And, I think Ink has something extra to research now." Len told the two.

The trio begun walking, and eventually Ink said:

"Wait, when I picked up the paintbrush, I felt a surge of energy, then I heard voices! And they where talking something about 'AUS'? Do you know what they are?"

The duo looked at him funny, and Rin replied "No, and I don't think brushes speak."

"It wasn't Broomy! I'm certain of it!"

"Broomy?" Len gave Ink a questionable look.

"I named it that. I mean, if the 'Voices' said that this thing is mine, it's best that I name it!" Ink shot back.

"But 'Broomy'? It's a brush, not a broom, brother." Rin replied

Ink simply shrugged, and they all laughed together. Finally reaching home, Ink unpacked his stuff from his bag and got his drawing supplies to test out the mysterious paint.

He dipped in his small brush into the yellow paint and begun carefully stroking it on the canvas. In doing so, he felt a bit happier. He tried this again, and this time he tried the green paint.

He had no idea what to expect and he was quite nervous to paint with the colour. A small feeling could be felt, and he realized it as disgust, as he suddenly didn't like what he was doing.

Painting with the yellow paint to regain happiness, Ink only guessed what the others did. He wrote down on his notepad that painting with the paint would give you a tiny feeling dependent on the color.

Yellow: Happiness

Green: Disgust

He dropped his notebook and begun painting with the blue paint, and, as expected, it made him feel sad. He wrote down the results and began to get the yellow paint again.

What he was drawing was unknown even to him as he focused on his work.

Applying more paint onto his brush and stroking on his brush, a beautiful sunset began to emerge on the canvas.

But something in his mind told him to drink the paint.

Ink got confused, but chose to follow his guts as it was always right.

The sparkling yellow liquid slipped down his nonexistent throat, the strong taste of candy filling his skeletal mouth.

At the moment, the only thing the skeleton could feel was intense happiness, like when he painted with the paint but times ten.

Jotting this new information onto his rainbow notebook, Ink didn't want to see what would happen if he drank too much of the same paint.

He could only guess the other colors.

Blue: Sadness

Red: Anger

The rest he had to try, as the colors where impossible to guess.

Getting ready to prepare the rest of the paint, Ink began picking up the purple vial, until...

"INK! RIN!" Len shouted from the front door. "COME HERE!!!"

Both Kagamines did just that and gaped at the sight in front of them.

A huge, blank hole in the blue sky, accompanied by...

(666 WORDS!!!)

"YOU!" Ink shouted at the glitchy skeleton that came out from the hole in the sky.

"Do I kNOw YOu?" It asked, confused at this random skeleton in a human world.

"YOU KILLED MY PARENTS, MY FRIENDS, MY WORLD... AND YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER!!! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MY NEW FAMILY!!!" The angry skeleton shouted at the top of his lungs as he picked up Broomy.

"WAIT INK!" Rin called, holding back Ink.

"HEh, I gUeSs i'LL dEStrOy tHIS
AU lAtER." It said nonchalantly and teleported off.

"WAIT!" Ink shouted, but it was too late.

"Brother, you shouldn't try to take revenge yet. You don't even know what that thing is capable of yet!" Len advised.

Ink thought for a bit and nodded.

"I guess you're right, but there's no telling when it'll be back."

Enter: 518181518. Yes that's in a code I just thought of, but you probably already know who that is.

And Ink is really mad now.
Also, Len's been doing a lot of stuff and Rin needs to have more lines. XD

That's what happens when Len's your favourite Vocaloid! 😅

And the last bit was written while I was waiting for the doctor lol.

And now I'm finally at school trying to publish this chapter because the school Internet won't let me!

School's gonna suck once the pain decides to kick in. 😓

Edit: It didn't! 😁

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