Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



Allison's POV 

The Pink Elephant.

That where I work. I know its a stupid name, not that it matters. I snuck in the back, I had my wig since the bus. you can hear the music going wild, men whistle and laugh. I got into the changing room where I was greeted by some of the girls.

"Where have you been girl?" 

 "Hey Stella, Sorry I'm late, it takes away to get here you know that" I apologized. It takes 3 hours by bus, but I need the money and it's not like I got any I can count on for support. Our boss Carlson came in the door, and pointed to me. 

"good your here Baby doll, your up next"

"Okay ready in a sec" I said and started changing in a hurry. I know your thinking, what's with the nicknames right?, My boss gave it to me on my first day. 

"Go get them girl" Whiskey and Mickey cheered. I laughed as I went out the door,masking my scent as I waited, ready to enter the stage. I still remember the first time Carlson made me dance. 


I was desperate for a job, any job. I had been looking for weeks and I stumbled upon the Pink Elephant. Carlson gave me the job as a dancer, I was 16 at the time, but he said as long as I could put on a show he didn't care about my age. And I did, He gave me the name, Baby doll saying, no one uses their real name. I was given a dress and some shoes, and put on stage.

The song started to play as I entered the stage. I saw every male eyes on me, I could feel their lust, smell it in the air. I started to sway my hips as I moved. Taking the pole and just let everything go. My instincts took over. Moving my body to the beat, trowing my hair back and I griped the pole. Using my wolf strength I didn't need to worry as I pulled myself upside down, back against the pole, holding myself up by my legs I let my hand move over my body. I let myself drop down the the floor slowly. Dancing around the pole swaying my hips to the beat. Spinning around the pole, dancing with it, moving to the beat. Then The song stopped and the men cheered bringing me back to reality.  

End of flashback

I got of the stage and the girls whistled at me. "damn girl" Stella smiled.

"Thanks I..."

"Hey Baby doll client in booth nr. 3 want's a private dance" Carlson said Interrupting me.

"Yes sir"

 Doing as told I went over to booth nr 3, giving the big sugar daddy a dance worth his money. As gross as it was at first dancing for grown up men, groping all over my body, you get used to it. Drinking a few shots helps as well. I whispered into his ear, thanking him for a good time, saying I had fun. He paid me extras, men like that are so easy to read. Their wife just don't like them anymore cause they arn't as hot in bed as they used to, they use more time on the couch than anything else, all they want is someone to make them feel good.

I'm the Wolf Bitch! (Complete) - Huntress series book 1Where stories live. Discover now