Chapter 19

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Picture of Mason( not sure about the actor, who would you chose?) well no you get an idea of what he kind of looks like.


Chapter 19

Ali's POV

"I'll make you a deal. Danny and Ryan can come if you let me explain. What do you say?" Luke said.

"Fine" I agreed.

We had been arguing for a while now. The party was tonight and I wanted both Danny and Ryan to come, but at the mention of Ryan Luke went caveman on me. Asking who he was to me, and stuff like that. He is a friend for crying out loud.

I guess his wolf is a bit over possessive. But in the end I agreed none the less, I miss them and I cant wait to see them again.

"Will you really listen?" He asked in disbelief. "Yes" I said frustrated. "if that is what it takes for me to see them again then yes! But not now" I said and got up to leave the room. "When?" He asked. "after the party?" I said, but it ended up as a question. "Do you promise?" He asked, with hopeful eyes.

"Whatever, just let me out I want to eat" I said avoiding the question.

* * * * * * * *

"Oh god your huge! I said to Hannah who huffed in response. She was the size of a whale, but then again she was ready to pop any day now. "I am pregnant! What did you expect" She said crossing her hand over her chest and made a face.

"Oh Hannah I'm only teasing you" I said siting down.

"Do you think this is funny!" She said tears in her eyes, "You're not the one who it walking around like some penguin the size of a whale!" She said crying. Yeah she was a little emotional. "I wish Jim junior would just come out already!" She whined

Biting back a laugh I changed the subject. "So is his nursery ready?"

Her entire expression changed and a huge smiled appeared on her face. "Oh we have its so cute you have to see it, the wall is like this really cute green, and all the furniture are white oh and we have this really cute picture frames just above his bed and we will have pictures of him and us oh its gonna be so cute" She said dreamily, and her sadness forgotten.

"Oh I have a picture!" She said and pulled out her phone. It was a cute room.

"Do you guys know what your going to call him?" Elena asked sitting down with Jace. Ever since they found out their where mates they haven't gone anywhere without each other.

"Cody" Jimmy said sitting down. Everyone was here, just chilling. Well Luke was in the corner watching me like some creep, Adam what is his office working. And Ethan... Well he was in bad shape. He couldn't accept that Elena had a mate, and that it was Jace of all the people. He is pretty angry about it. He stopped hanging with us and is using most of his time with Mason. And Mason is using most of his time training, or giving me glares, much like Mindy who is throwing me daggers as we speak.

"I think I'm going to go for my run now" I said, "Oh I'll come with" Jace said. "Really your still babysitting me?" I asked, throwing Luke a dirty look.

"Afraid so" He said. Jimmy isn't anymore cause Hannah is so close to giving birth but Jace, his still has to.

"Fine I'll just go train then" I said pouting. I was allowed to move freely inside the pack house at least. Thank heavens for that. Elena and Jace both seemed pleased, even if they tried to hide it. "Your welcome" I waved as I left them to chat.

I'm the Wolf Bitch! (Complete) - Huntress series book 1Where stories live. Discover now