Chapter 5

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Picture of Ali


Chapter 5

Allison's POV

Sitting on the kitchen bench I felt better then I had in the past few days. School was... well school, but it was great going back just hanging with the boys, cheer practise with my girls, yep life is good. It was Thursday and I had practise before lunch started, seeing it was game night tomorrow Becca wanted us to practise in morning as well just in case. Hard leader isn't she? Well at least she is dedicated.

I heard the boys come down the stairs. Danny entered the room not even noticing me. "Danny" I called making him hit his head on the cupboard door "Ump, Ali? What the hell" I couldn't contain my laughter as the rest of the teens in the pack entered the kitchen. "S-so Sorry .... Ha ha ha .. D-Danny" I couldn't finish my sentence, it's just so rear that anyone can surprise him, with his alpha senses and all. Matt came in and saw me in my miserable state. "What's up?" He asked as he cracked a smile. "I.. oh.. Nothing" I said drying a tear.

I finally pulled myself together siting up strait. "Whatever happened to you Danny, you look like you haven't gotten a descent night sleep all week" I stated. He just glared at me and I knew I was spot on.

"Danny talk to me" I said and followed him out of the kitchen. "No you still haven't breathed a word why you came home smelling of human lust and hid yourself in your room for days so why should I talk to you!"

"Danny?" I looked at him feeling a little wounded but I knew I should talk to him. "Fine" I said. He looked at me as if he expected me to leave without a word. "I'll tell you" I said taking his hand leading him up to his room. Hearing wolf whistles behind us from some stupid males. But I really didn't care.

We where in his room, he had a soundproof room and no way was revealing my secret to the hole damn pack. "No interruptions" I said and took a deep breath calming myself. "I'm a stripper" I told him strait out, diving right into it. I looked at him waiting for the volcano to boil over.

"What!" He yelled. Good thing this room is soundproof or what?I looked at him and he snapped his mouth shut. "I have worked as a stripper since I was 16" His eyes went wide, but at least this time he didn't say anything. "I needed the money, you honestly didn't think I could have everything I got from bar tending did you?" He opened his mouth but I interrupted him "Don't answer that" I took another calming breath. "The reason for why I hid in my room is.. I meet my mate" I said and looked down to the ground."And I ran away from him without a word." I looked back up at Danny "Say something please" I pleaded.

"Why would you run from your mate?" Okay not what I was expecting, I wasn't getting yelled at? "I don't know I panicked. He pulled me of a client, more or less and punched him in his face. The client was his alpha and he just punched him in the face after he pulled me of. He was just so possessive I am not an object to be taken" I finished my fist clenched.

"So you ran?"

"Yeah" I said looking back down at the floor.

"Ali... why a stripper?" I knew the question was coming but I still didn't like it. "I needed the money" I said ashamed. "But you could have just come to me and asked. Don't you know that?"

"Yes but I didn't want to rely on someone else. I..." I bit my lip, "I was raped" I said. "When I was 16, Sasha and I had been out a few days before my birthday, Some guy drugged me and raped me. H-he got me pregnant, I had to get money to have an abortion".

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Wait no one knew? Not even Dad?" Danny asked with a face of pity and sympathy. "I went to a human doctor, knowing a pack doctor would have to report to Alpha Logan" I explained. I managed to pay back my debt to her"

"So why didn't you quit?" He questioned.

"I know it's hard to understand, but stripping isn't so bad once you get used to it. The girls I work with are fun, my boss is a douche but I earn a lot and I don't need anyone's help this way. I want money for after high school, maybe collage, but I don't want you guys to just give it to me, I want to earn it, you know? besides you know it feels to have to beg for help" He couldn't say anything about that, he hated it as much as I did.

"So what know?" He asked.

"I'll quit. No way I'll let my mate find me again besides i've already paid the doctor back and was just doing it because it was easy money"

"You should give your mate a chance" Danny said

"Danny-boy say what? why would you stick up for him? unless..." I stopped talking when t hit me.

"You haven't slept because of your Human mate Emilie!"

He just nodded. "Dude, why haven't you talked to her yet?"

"I tried, she said she would never look at a player like me for anything, I was a wasting my time trying" He said looking defeated. "So your gonna give up? Just like that?"

"She didn't even feel the Sparks" He said looking like he could just drop dead right here. Totally broken. "Well I know from a fact that's wrong" I said and his head shut back up and his eyes shined with hope. "Remember when I found out she was your mate, Well I saw it from the way she was so jealous when I was on your lap. She feels something for you whether she wants to admit it or not" I smiled at him. "Go get her tiger".

He hugged me and I hugged him back. It felt good to finally tell him. "You should tell Ryan as well" Danny said. "Why?" I asked raising a brow. "Because he cares" Danny said with a shrug. As if it was that simple. Danny came down the stairs with the biggest smile on his face. I heard some dumb bitches whisper, that he was my latest conquest. Stupid bitches. I found Ryan and told him everything. He wasn't surprised when he heard I was a stripper. After he drove me home that day, he just hoped I wasn't a whore. I slapped him hard at that comment but we're cool. It also explained why we hadn't slept together ever since. After all how could I possibly resist him, was his words. Now we where all in Danny's car of to the oh so important thing called school.


Hope you liked it.

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