Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Alison's POV

I saw the girl on the ground, pulling her from the ground and into my arms. I looked around and saw Luke. I ran towards him and he saw me. I don't know how but when he saw me, something inside him felt like it snapped and he became in full protective mode.

He killed the rogue he was fighting in the blink of an eye and shifted back taking the girl from my arms. "We need to get her to the house" I said. We ran into the house, placing her on the sofa. I put the blanket over her. We need to get the pack Doctor to look at her, take her to the infirmary" I said.

Luke nodded, "here" he said and threw me his t-shirt before he ran out of the room with the girl.

Guess I should head back out there.


The moment I opened the door 5 rogues came attacking me at once. I didn't have time to shift. Fuck why do they seam so hell bent on me? I did the only thing I could think of and headed inside the house. It was a smaller space giving me a chance to take them down one at a time.

I Slammed the front door into the first wolfs face before they broke down the door. I ran into the living room, the first wolf charged at me but I dodged his attack and the second wolf. The third wolf was caught of guard and I snapped his neck. wolf 4 growled and pounced me. Luke grabbed him throwing him into the wall. Wolf 5 jumped him and they ended up in the kitchen. I was focusing on wolf 1 and 2 since wolf 4 and 5 was trying to take down Luke.

Wolf 1 attacked and I ran forward, sliding under him, dodging his attack. Wolf two snapped after me, but I jumped just in time. Wolf one scratched my arm but I managed to dodge wolf two's bit. I jumped away just as wolf one lunged after me, hitting wolf two instead. Disoriented from the blow, I grabbed wolf two and broke his yaw with a blow. Wolf one pounced but  I dodged. I snapped wolf two's neck leaving only wolf one left.

He lunged at me, but I sidestepped, dodging his attack and slammed my fists into his back, hearing a crack as I broke his spine. I snapped the his neck and let out a heavy sigh. Done. I needed to check on the rest.  I noticed another presence in the room and Ethan stepped out of the shadows.

I felt the hatred coming from him. "It was you?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Yes it was. I was the one who made the rogues attack. I was the one who stabbed Jace. And all because of you!"

"I don't understand, Jace was your friend. How could you?"

"This is all your fault!" He growled at me.

"If you hadn't saved Elena I wouldn't have lost her! And now you will pay for it!" Ethan was about to jump me but Luke came out of no where and grabbed him in a locked hold around his throat.

"This is your last chance Ethan" Luke growled, "Apologize to my mate or die" He said tightening the hold he had on his throat.

"Don't Luke" I said, placing my hand on his shoulder

"He deserves it" Luke growled.

"Maybe but its for the Alpha to decide what happens to this traitor, so let go" I said. Luke looked at me, his eyes looking deep inside me. He sighed and let go of Ethan who fell to the floor, gasping for air. 

"Your right" Luke said kissing the top of my head. I couldn't help but smile, it felt so good to be in his arms. I can't believe it took me this long to accept him. 

I felt the hatred behind me, before I saw him coming.

"Luke!" I screamed as I realized what was about to happen. I pushed Luke out of the way and spun around but I was to slow, the knife came out of no where. Ethan stabbed it into me and I growled.

Luke realizing what had happened, jumped Ethan, pulling him away from me and slammed him against the wall.

"No more second chances" Luke growled and slammed his fist into Ethan's chest, ripping out his heart. Ethan fell to the floor blood staining the carpet.

"Ali" Luke cried out, as I growled, pulling out the knife from my side.

"I'm fine" I said with a growl.

"He wasn't fast enough to cut me deep" But Luke didn't look like he believed me as he rushed towards me. I pulled up my shirt showing him the flesh wound on my stomach.

"See? He didn't hit any of my internal organs, its a cut.  A flesh wound only" I said trying to reassure him. He pulled me close to him inhaling my scent deeply.

"Thank the goddess" He whispered. "If I had lost you I-" He said, voice breaking.

"You didn't" I said, my hand stroking his cheek forcing him to look at me.

"I'm fine. I'm right here" I smiled. He gave me a half smile and leaned his forehead on mine.

"I don't know what I would have done if you had been hurt" Luke sighed.

"Don't worry about it, all that matters is that now its finally over and everyone is fine" I said. His eyes where so full of relief, it made my heart warm. 

I closed the distance between us, kissing him. He didn't respond at first, surprised. But a second later and he had me pinned to the wall kissing me fiercely. I bit his lip making him growl sending delightful shivers down my spine. He licked my lip asking for entrance, which I gladly gave him. His tongue exploring my mouth, his hands roaming my body, making me moan. We broke the kiss, breathless. 

I sighed leaning into Luke's comfortable arms, feeling content.


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