Chapter 6

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Picture of Luke


Chapter 6

Luke's POV

I was at her school. It was a school with lots of wolves but I could smell her scent. She went here. Me and my football team was playing against the Red Wolves, football team tomorrow so we have Alpha Logan's permission to enter the territory. I didn't waist much time. I headed to her school right away, but she wasn't there. Me and my team where at the school, Adam wanted to meet the future Alpha, Daniel. But none of them where there. A she-wolf cheerleader, named Kate, came over and flirted and wanting information I played along. She said they where running late, but they were gonna show, so we waited.

Allison's pov

Cheer practise was heavy today, Becca had really gone all out, Being a werewolf I was fine, but she isn't one and she put up a training that even got me tired. All the girls were lying on the grass, breathing heavily, except the Sasha, Kate and me and 2 other werewolves. We had gym but Becca talked to the coach so we could practise instead. "Becca you outdid yourself" I smiled at her. "Thanks" She said as I got up and headed to the showers. I looked around in my bag only to see I had forgot my top. FUCK. I mind linked Danny.

Hey Danny I forgot my shirt, can I borrow you extra t-shirt?



I headed over to his looker and got dressed. The bell chimed lunch. I saw Marcus In front of the line.

Marcus buy me a sandwich please?

Smiling to himself as he paid the cafeteria lady looked at him as if he was some sort of crazy person.

"Thank you" I told him as we headed over to our table. I felt a pull, this inner pull, my wolf was howling inside me. Mate. He was here? Was he spying on me! Fine then lets give him a run for his money. I smiled to myself.

Hmm... who to sit on? Danny! I sat down and got comfortable. "Hey" Danny smiled.

Play along I said to everyone on the table

What's up Ryan asked.

My mate is here spying on me, I wanna play with his possessive mind. I smile sweetly at them.

They all break out laughing. Why? Because werewolves are naturally possessive creatures. Like a dog with a bone. There was no way I was gonna just let him come her and tell me what to do, I'm a person not an object.

This is gonna me fun Matt comments, Your mate is in for one hell of a ride.

Then He and his Alpha desided to grace us with their presence.

Luke's POV

Where were they. We were siting in the cafeteria waiting for them to arrive. We could smell where they usually sat and just leaned against the wall waiting for them. a Group of cheerleaders swarmed around us like flies. I wasn't interested. Neither was Adam. He was mate less, but human sluts weren't tempting for any of us.

The high ranks were easy to spot once they entered the room. They were firmed build, like most werewolves. The one guy had power flowing from him, That is the alpha. He was laughing at some girl, My girl. She reeked of him. I could feel my muscles tighten. She seemed to have all their scents laced around her, what was she some sort of entertainment? They seemed to gravitate around her, laughing and smiling, must be talking through the pack link. She was siting on the Alphas lap, getting comfy. Why was she siting on him! I let my eyes scan her body, she was wearing a tight pair of jeans and an oversized shirt tied up behind her back. Was it the Alphas shirt?

I'm the Wolf Bitch! (Complete) - Huntress series book 1Where stories live. Discover now